Every week you can read on Pcactive.nl that former Faqman John Vanderaart has been involved, what he has experienced or what will happen and that is always something! It was a reserve stress last week and that grew bigger this week …. with a wink from John, what that is of course not good Dutch …

The company where I work has grown bigger again. That is because of the lodged Buy and Build Investment Strategybut that aside … The result is more and more colleagues and therefore also a regular reconciling of our office. An extra glass house, a silence rip that is being moved, new lockers In addition, the meeting room on its side and of course increasingly tighter. I already saw last week that a new round was: “The home-office furniture farmer walked around shiny and wiping around.” It would go faster than expected, because that new round is today, immediately on Monday morning. With the emphatic request to work especially at home, because the department Customer Support Should the agencies of development temporarily staff. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t need to worry about our future internet capacity. That is, with twice as many colleagues in the workplace and the two most used applications, we are teams and team viewer: “Wég is your bandwidth!” I notice that if I am remote Work on my own behind my private glass fiber line, everything is doing a lot of rapper. Yes, in 2025 it is a speed-prince trump with a Gigabit internet connection, but with (grab him) 50 men stays there (in full labor) only 1000 /50 = 20 Mbit / second of it. And that’s not much! Look, that Gigabit connection can be knocked up to 4 or 8 Gbit/second, but the underlying infrastructure has not yet been calculated. Is a heavier one switch Needed. Note my words: “That switch upgrade is coming when I see our home-electrical engineering shiny and wiping in the round!”

Column 140156 Figure 1

It will not be long before a 10 Gbit/second switch if it will make its appearance. Yes, the bandwidth cannot be dragged with us!