Land Rover tests the risk of motion sickness in autonomous cars

If we are to believe techies and experts, the autonomous car will arrive (quickly). At the same time, everyone is holding their heart, because various studies have shown that occupants become car sick much faster in such a self-driving mode of transport. Jaguar Land Rover wants to counter that with new, intelligent software.

Because occupants will no longer have to concentrate on the road, there is a great chance that more people will get car sick in a car. This has to do with the vestibular organ that no longer sees all the movements of the car in advance and therefore only reacts at the last moment. More than 70 percent of the world’s population would suffer from motion sickness. To reduce this chance somewhat, manufacturers are busy with possible solutions. This includes Jaguar Land Rover, which has started a new project with software experts.

JLR wants to reduce the impact of motion sickness by up to 60 percent by means of a more gradual driving behavior, a so-called personal ‘wellness score’. In the first test phase, the team completed 20,000 real and virtual test miles, during which a lot of data was collected. Driving behavior can be optimized with this data, it is expected. For example, an autonomous car brakes earlier and more gradually, cornering is taken more smoothly and smoothly and autonomous cars do not have to accelerate at full throttle.

The project will not reveal when Jaguar Land Rover actually wants to offer and deploy all technology in practice. So be patient and eyes on the road!

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