A study by Statistics Netherlands showed that in 2021, 92 percent of companies with more than ten employees in the Netherlands had a website. Add to this the many hobbyists and you quickly come to the conclusion that there are millions of Dutch websites in the Netherlands alone.

On the one hand, everyone with a website has a different goal. Think of informing, persuading to purchase services or products and so on. On the other hand, there is also a common goal: everyone wants a lot of visitors to their website and you can achieve this, among other things, by making the user experience more pleasant. Surfers can visit millions of websites, so if they get frustrated, they quickly drop out. But what are the major frustrations of website visitors and how can you prevent those frustrations?

Frustration 1: a slow website
As a website owner, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of others. If you are surfing online and you find a nice website, there is undoubtedly one thing that you really dislike: a slow website! Nothing is more frustrating than having to wait a long time for a new page to open. People are no longer used to it. After all, today’s internet is dozens of times faster than that of the past.

Fortunately, there are several ways to tackle a slow website. First of all, it is relevant to opt for dedicated hosting from Proserve. With this form of hosting you have better performance and usually a higher website speed.

Would you like to place fun videos on your website? This also makes your website slower. It is better to upload them to YouTube or another channel. And there are even more solutions you can think of.

Frustration 2: Annoying pop-ups
Pop-ups: many companies use them and that makes sense. They jump in front of the screen and for that reason it immediately attracts the attention of the website visitor. With pop-ups, people usually sign up for a newsletter more quickly, which is positive. You will then have a following more quickly and that is good for your business.

But pop-ups also have a downside: they are very annoying. Especially the pop-ups that cover the entire screen and that you can barely click away. First ask yourself if you really need pop-ups. Do you think carefully and is the answer no? Then don’t use them! Do you really need them? Then make sure that they are easy to click away and don’t make them too flashy. Also do not use multiple pop-ups per page, because that is also not good.

This article was produced in collaboration with Proserve