Do you have a bulging wardrobe that you no longer wear? Or are you just looking for a special item? With these free iOS apps, you can sell clothes you no longer wear, or buy that one cool blouse.
One of the most famous apps for buying or selling clothes is Vinted. Here you will find the most beautiful designer clothes for a reasonable price. But you can also earn money by clearing out your own wardrobe. According to the app, one of the Vinted members sells an item every 49 seconds.
The app is made in such a way that it is very easy to sell your clothes. You can easily navigate through the app with the handy tabs at the bottom. If you tap the plus sign at the bottom of the screen, you can immediately start selling clothes. Here you take photos, give the item a title and describe what the item of clothing looks like and whether there is damage to it.
Here you can also add a category, brand and the condition of the garment. You give a price and add the item. You can also choose to exchange your clothes with someone else’s clothes. So you always have something different in your wardrobe!

If someone wants to buy your clothes, he or she sends you a message. Of course you have to pack your garment yourself and take it to a point where you can send your package. The shipping costs are for the buyer. Have you just come across that one jacket you’ve been looking for for a long time? Then you can buy it immediately, or save it for later. But don’t wait too long, because it will be gone before you know it.
Pay attention: the app looks fine at first glance, but there are quite a few people who have had bad experiences with it. Despite the fact that there are many satisfied users, there are trust pilot reports that people have been scammed by buyers or sellers. So pay close attention if you are going to use this app, and first check whether the buyer or seller can be trusted.
United Wardrobe
A widely used app for second-hand clothing is United Wardrobe. If you create an account or log in via Facebook, you can get started right away. With the search function you can easily search for a special brand or type of garment. Fill in your measurements in the filters, so that you only see what would fit you. You can like different items so that they will be added to your favorites list.
You order your clothes via the app. When you see something nice, tap the photo to see multiple photos. Here you can also see other items from the same seller. To do this, scroll down to see the ‘wardrobe’. If you do not agree with the price, you can easily make an offer by tapping ‘bid now’. If you have other questions about the garment, you can comment below the item. The seller will then receive a notification, so they will respond fairly quickly.

If you want to sell your ‘old’ clothes yourself, go to the menu at the top left of the screen. Here you see your profile and you can choose ‘add product’. Here you will also see your ‘wardrobe’ with an overview of all items that you have added to sell. Did you bid on different items of clothing? You will also see an overview of your bids here.
Vinted and United Wardrobe work basically the same. However, Vinted seems more focused on selling clothes, while United Wardrobe seems to focus more on buying clothes. You can immediately start selling on the main screen of Vinted, while with United Wardrobe you can view your favorites and your shopping cart right on the main screen.
For streetwear and branded clothing you have come to the right place at Bump. Vinted and United Wardrobe generally have more mainstream clothes. Bump has clothes with a sportier look. Here you will find brands such as Nike, Supreme and Adidas. You will also find sporty sneakers and clothing with an 80s or 90s look.
You have to pay attention to where the clothes come from. This app is used worldwide. To avoid paying your blue for shipping costs from Australia, it’s best to set your location. Tap filters and tap ‘Around me’ at the bottom. You will then see all the clothing offered in the area.

If you tap on the price tag at the bottom of the screen, you can easily sell your items. You can communicate with a buyer or seller via a message. In the chat cloud you will find an overview of messages that you have sent or received. Via the figure at the bottom right of the screen you can see an overview of which clothes you have offered on the app, and which items you have liked.
In the filters you can easily indicate which brand you are looking for. For example, you can choose Adidas, a t-shirt and in the color blue. Indicate your size and choose whether it can be new or used. You will then receive all blue Adidas t-shirts in your size that are offered at that time.