Mazda’s financial year is negative due to the corona crisis

Mazda will release its financial and sales results after closing its fiscal year on March 31. The global coronavirus outbreak has already had a significant impact on Mazda’s results.

In the past fiscal year, which ran from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020, Mazda sold 1,419,000 cars worldwide. Turnover amounted to 28.3 billion euros, which resulted in an operating result of 360 million euros and a profit of 100 million euros. In the previous financial year, Mazda still sold 1,561,000 cars. Although turnover was slightly lower at that time (EUR 27.8 billion), profit was much higher: EUR 648.4 million. At the time, Mazda hoped it would sell 1,618,000 cars in the following year, but later this expectation was revised downwards.

Mazda experienced the biggest drop in China last year. This is probably because the corona crisis started there first. Sales fell by 14 percent to 212,000 units. Sales in both Japan and North America fell 6 percent to 202,000 and 397,000 units, respectively. Because Europe was only hit by Covid-19 in March, the results on our continent have remained virtually unchanged from the year before. In total, 264,000 Europeans bought a Mazda. Last year there were about 270,000.

Because the consequences of the coronavirus are currently incalculable, Mazda does not yet give any expectations for its upcoming financial year.

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