Drugs can cloud perception or change bodily needs. If you have to take tablets regularly, you should be careful on hot days.
In the case of prolonged heat waves, it may be necessary to adjust the dose of medication. Because the effect of medicines can change due to high temperatures, according to the consumer advice center in North Rhine-Westphalia.
This not only applies to the active ingredient – the reason why experts recommend storing medicines in a cool, dark and dry place. But also the reaction of the body to active ingredients can change due to heat.
Medication for heat: No thirst, but a higher risk of sunburn
If, for example, a drug reduces the feeling of thirst, taking water tablets at the same time can lead to the body drying out, according to consumer advocates.
If you drink little and sweat a lot, this could possibly also affect kidney function and possibly affect the concentration of an active ingredient.
Some agents can also cause increased sensitivity to light – and thus increase the risk of sunburn or lead to severe skin reactions. In this context, consumer advocates name various antibiotics or pain and anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac or ibuprofen.
Address issues and avoid heat
Antihypertensive drugs can also increase the body’s natural reaction to heat. According to the German Heart Foundation, hot days can seriously affect people with high blood pressure or circulatory problems. Possible consequences are a sudden drop in blood pressure, circulatory collapse or heat stroke.
Anyone who regularly takes medication should therefore pay particular attention to their body when the temperature is high. In the pharmacy or with the doctor you should ask about side effects or discuss a possible adjustment of the dose in the event of effects.
It is also advisable on hot summer days: drink a lot, stay in the shade and avoid too much exertion and excitement as much as possible.
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