Mercedes-Benz CLS gets a little makeover

It looks like Mercedes-Benz is busy refining the CLS. Near the Mercedes-AMG headquarters, this partially packed CLS 53 was spotted as the first sign of life of the facelift.

Just to get straight to the point; you don’t have to take your magnifying glass this time. After all, there are not many changes to be spotted on this only partially packed CLS 53. At the front, it has been done well to camouflage the things that do change. Looks like we can count on a renewed grille, which now also includes vertical chrome inserts. So a grille, instead of the current chrome strip across the width. There is a good chance that it will remain a bit more subtle with the less favored variants. The air intakes in the front bumper will probably also have a slightly different shape.

For the rest, we are actually not much wiser, because the CLS is known for it. It could be that bigger changes (for example in the layout of the lights) are being kept, but in any case do not count on a very significant facelift. After all, the third generation of the CLS, unveiled in 2017, was quite ahead of elderly people such as the E-class and E-class Coupé in terms of design language, which were thoroughly facelifted. Expect the facelifted CLS to be unveiled at the end of this year or early next year and find its way to the showroom in less than a year.

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