Micro breaks: they help if “normal” breaks are not enough

Micro breaks: they help if “normal” breaks are not enough
Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay, Oleksandrpidvalnyi

Short breaks besides the actual break? Used correctly, you can not only reduce stress, but also increase performance.

30 or 45 minutes: You usually have a break at work that long. This is prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. But maybe that’s not enough on stressful days.

Sometimes you just need a few minutes to take a deep breath. There are micropauses into play. As the name suggests, these are shorter breaks. The Institute for Occupational Health Consulting (IFBG) explains how long you have to take exactly to fall under the term.

The meta -analysis “Give Me a Break!” A Romanian research group shows the effect of such micropauses on well -being and performance at work. According to the IFBG, low, but still statistically significant effects of micropauses on the vitality and the reduction of tiredness could be demonstrated.

Well planned – but not too much

Micro breaks can be easily clocked when several tasks are on the daily program. Then the little ones can be planned for changing from one task to the next.

But be careful: the micro breaks should serve to relax. Their planning should not cause stress. Because that goes past the purpose. However, it is advisable to set up regular memories of micropause. So that you don’t forget the breaks, according to the IFBG.

Read more on utopia.de:

  • Moving pause: This is how you can relieve the body from the desk
  • Take a break: ideas for relaxing short and long breaks
  • Stress at work: “Don’t try to always avoid”

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