Mobile banking with apps

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Transferring money via an app is not only fast and easy. It is also very safe.

All major banks have apps that allow customers to bank on their smartphone and tablet. Of course internet banking is possible on any device so why use an app?

Contrary to popular belief, a banking app is extremely secure. It is even safer than internet banking on the PC. First of all, the app itself is secured with a PIN code. Secondly, all banking traffic goes through the app. This traffic is encrypted. As a result, no one can intercept the data traffic. If the device is stolen or lost, simply block access to the app. This can often be done online via internet banking or by calling the bank. on you can find more information about banking via an app.

The sofa is always in your pocket. So transferring money or checking the balance is easy. Every bank has set up its app differently. In general, however, the user can set the amount that can be transferred without further intervention of bank codes. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, just leave it out. Furthermore, iDEAL payments can be linked to most apps. So order a book at on the tablet or smartphone, and at checkout the bank app will be started that handles the further payment.

Most apps do not have all the functionality of internet banking. So sometimes you have to go back to the bank’s site. And transferring large amounts is only possible with the normal security of your bank. So then you need the Rabo scanner, e.dentifier or whatever your bank uses for security.

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