Natural sleeping pills: these 4 will help you fall asleep

Natural sleeping pills: these 4 will help you fall asleep

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Free-Photos

Do you have sleep disorders and are you looking for a natural sleep aid? We’ll show you four of them and how you can use them.

According to Forsa survey from 2018, over a third of Germans often have sleep disorders up to every night. The causes can be different: stress at work, exam anxiety or family problems. The nights can be so grueling that they turn into a nightmare. Before you are prescribed heavy sleeping pills to help you recover during the night, you can try natural sleeping pills. They are not addictive.

We introduce you to four natural sleeping pills. We’ll also give you tips on what to look for for healthier sleep hygiene.

Knew? During the lockdown in the corona pandemic, the sleep disorders are again increased. A lack of exercise and additional psychological stress can be the reasons for this.

These four natural sleep aids can help you

Valerian helps as a natural sleep aid.
Valerian helps as a natural sleep aid.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / elenasaggin)

1. Valerian as a natural sleep aid

Valerian is probably one of the best-known medicinal plants that have a calming and sleep-inducing effect. Because the messenger substances in valerian stimulate certain regions in the brain that allow relaxation care for. You can take it over Valerian tea or as valerian dragees.

Caution: Many products containing valerian warn in the package insert not to get behind the wheel after taking them. So wait a couple of hours for this.

Note: Do you want valerian Use against your sleep disorders, don’t expect your sleep to improve immediately. You have to have valerian longer Take a period of time, usually at least two weeks, so that you can feel the effect.

2. Melissa as a natural sleep aid

Melissa is also one of the natural sleeping pills, as it is a calming one effect goes out. The essential oils citral and citronella are primarily responsible for this. You can also use them as Melissa tea or in combination with hops and valerian as over-the-counter dragees from the pharmacy.

Hops are also a natural sleep aid.
Hops are also a natural sleep aid.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / RitaE)

3. Hops as a natural sleeping aid

Hops also help to fall asleep and for a peaceful night. He has allegedly could have a similar effect as the sleep hormone melatonin, but it has not yet been scientifically clarified. You can best call it Hop tea take: Either in ready-made bags or as a hop cone, which you pour water over. This natural sleep aid is often combined with other herbs such as lemon balm or valerian.

Note: Hops are also found in beer. However, beer does not help with sleep disorders because of the alcohol. Studies have shown that alcohol is not conducive to sleep, on the contrary: You sleep less deeply and more restlessly with it, even if you first fall asleep faster.

4. Lavender as a natural sleep aid

Lavender oil works anxiolytic and antidepressant. You can also make use of this natural sleep aid. Buy or make yourself a lavender pillow and place it near your pillow. Alternatively, you can buy lavender oil and put two to three drops on your duvet half an hour before bed.

This also helps for healthy sleep hygiene

In addition to natural sleeping pills, a cozy atmosphere can help.
In addition to natural sleeping pills, a cozy atmosphere can help.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / 5460160)

In addition to natural sleeping pills that are available over the counter, you should go for one Evening routine care for. We have put together some ideas for you:

  • Dim the lights one to two hours before bed in the evening. This is how you stimulate the release of melatonin in your body. Avoid any screen lights (smartphone, computer, or TV) an hour before bed.
  • Maintain a healthy sleeping environment. You should primarily use your bed and bedroom to relax and sleep. Office or study items, laptops or other things that can stir you up emotionally have no place in the bedroom.
  • Make sure the room temperature is comfortable in the bedroom. That Federal Environment Agency recommends 17 degrees for the bedroom.
  • The materials can also play a role in restless sleep: Make sure that your pajamas and duvet cover are made of natural materials and are more sustainable Organic cotton and linen consists. These materials are breathable and comfortable to wear.
  • Rituals create security and can be important not only for children but also for adults. You can end your day with a suitable evening ritual. Think about what can do you good before going to bed: a meditation, reading thirty pages in a book or Write a diary, for example a Lucky diary. This is how you can end the day well

Note: If your sleep disorders persist for at least four weeks or if you suspect that the cause is psychological stress, professional help can help. With behavior therapy, a: e therapist: can help you improve your sleep hygiene in sessions.


  • Mental hygiene: this is how you can improve your mental health
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