New BMW logo not currently on cars

The new BMW logo announced on the Concept i4 does not shine on production cars for the time being. The mark will adorn on-line and offline means of communication from the Munich brand.

The tight logo is now also officially announced on the BMW media site. There it appears that the new logo is applied immediately, but not on cars or motorbikes. Also on the columns at dealerships, until further notice, the version of the BMW logo that has been known for twenty years will shine. The transition from old to new on means of communication must equally take up to the end of May 2021.

The biggest change in the BMW logo is that the black border gives way to a transparent surface. The blue-white “propeller” is now surrounded by a loose ring, within which the letters “BMW” still have a place at the top. According to BMW, the result is more “two-dimensional” than the old logo, and that is a true trend. Not only BMW’s own Mini, but Volkswagen too has now switched to a logo that no longer denies that it is usually on a flat surface. Previous versions of the logos of these brands looked like a photograph of a chrome-plated 3D logo on paper, the new version abstains from pretensions like that.

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