Only about everyone: Rt tenth tenthly old-this emerges from a new study that has evaluated data from over 100,000 Americans: inside. Can the right nutrition make the difference? Some food apparently increases at least the likelihood of ageing healthy.
A balanced diet can increase the likelihood of staying physically and mentally healthy in old age. This emerges from data from a new study published in the renowned journal Nature Medicine.
Researchers of the Harvard Th Chan School of Public Health (USA) around Marta Guasch-Ferré, Anne-Julie Tessier and Frank B. HU analyzed the nutritional habits of 105,015 middle-aged people in the United States over a period of up to 30 years. The data is based on the evaluation of questionnaires and medical data of two long -term studies.
This diet promotes healthy aging
Accordingly, only 9.3 percent of the participants achieved a so -called healthy age. This means the survival beyond the age of 70 without significant chronic diseases and without restrictions on mental, physical or mental health.
The researchers examined the connection between the long-term compliance with eight healthy nutritional patterns and healthy aging, including the so-called alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI), the Mediterranean diet, the Planetary Health Diet and the healthy plant nutrition (HPDI). The stricter adherence to all eight nutritional patterns was more likely to be associated with healthy aging.
👉 According to the study, the “Alternative Healthy Index” diet had a particularly positive effect. This is a diet with lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, legumes, vegetable protein, unsaturated fatty acids and fish.
The other healthy diets examined are basically based on similar recommendations, but focus on certain food groups and health effects. Basically positive effects on healthy aging had:
- Fruit
Unsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils such as olive oil)
- Whole grain grain
- Vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables and dark yellow vegetables)
- Nuts
- Legumes
- Berries
- yogurt
- Low -fat dairy products
In contrast to the examined healthy diets, according to the study, a high consumption of trans fats, salt, sugar -containing drinks and red and processed meat reduced the chances of age.
Diet is the second largest risk factor
Nutrition is the most important behavioral risk factor for death and chronic diseases worldwide, according to a press release on the study. In the United States, she is in second place after tobacco consumption in older adults. In view of the aging world population, the findings are relevant for the development of future nutritional recommendations.
The study cannot rule out that, in addition to nutrition, other lifestyle factors influenced health in old age. However, similar studies in other world regions have been compared to comparable results in the past.
The results “provide evidence that compliance with healthy diets represents a potential strategy for healthy aging,” the study says. What is meant are nutritional, “in particular rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, unsaturated fats, nuts and legumes, contain some dairy products and less trans fats, sodium [Salz, Anm.d.Red.] as well as red and processed meat. ”
If these establish themselves more, the climate could also benefit: various scientific studies have shown that plant-hedged diets are also advantageous with regard to environmental and climate protection.
Read more on utopia.de:
- Balanced diet: 10 rules for everyday life
- Is sustainable nutrition healthy too?
- 10 foods that are not as healthy as you think
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