Nissan is researching how to communicate with Gen Z

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Nissan is researching how to communicate with Gen Z

Are cars still alive among younger generations? And how do you actually address them? These and more are questions that Nissan is grappling with. So much so that it is going to conduct research with a Chinese University into an effective way of communicating with Generation Z.

Nissan will work with Tsinghua University in Beijing to conduct research into how it can best communicate with Generation Z. Met Generation Z is called the generation of people born roughly between 1997 and 2012. Nissan may not be satisfied with the way it is now reaching this generation in its marketing communications. For the time being, the research seems to mainly relate to the Chinese market.

The Chinese university and Nissan will not only investigate what tone it should take against Gen Zers and what it should communicate, both parties are also conducting research in other areas. For example, they investigate the ‘role and social responsibility’ of car manufacturers in the ‘EV ecosystem’.

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