Weight correction
Some of the largest political parties in the current polls are emphatically in favor of a special MRB rate for electric cars.
The impending motor vehicle tax hangs over electric cars like the sword of Damocles. If MRB also has to be paid for EVs in 2025, this could become a significant cost item due to the high weight of the cars. That is why there are calls from various quarters for a ‘weight correction’ in the MRB calculation. This should prevent EVs from suddenly being taxed more heavily than fuel cars. A number of the largest political parties according to current polls are in favor of this.
In an election debate organized by the Bovag, NSC, VVD and GroenLinks-PvdA spoke out in favor of such a special MRB rate for electric cars. D66 was also part of the debate and is also in favor. The fact that NSC and VVD are encouraging this is mainly new. VVD member Aukje de Vries also provided the cross; “We also want to keep the electric car affordable. I would like to agree with the parties present to come up with a weight correction in the MRB in any case,” after which the other three representatives agreed.
Are you curious about what other plans the political parties have for the car-driving Netherlands? AutoWeek previously delved into the points of view.
– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl