Nutrient deficiency: how to recognize it and what you can do about it

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / RitaE

Nutrient deficiencies are more common than you might think. Many people often don’t even notice the shortage – that has consequences. Here we will show you how a defect manifests itself and how you can avoid or remedy it.

What does nutrient deficiency mean?

A nutrient deficiency occurs when the body is not getting enough nutrients. If there is a deficiency, processes and functions in the body can be restricted. Symptoms vary greatly depending on the nutrient and the individual. Often we don’t just feel then physically lame, that too mental well-being decreases.

In order for our body to function optimally and for us to feel good, we need various nutrients: They can be found in macro and micronutrients be subdivided:

  • To the macronutrients include energy suppliers such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They are responsible for the healthy structure of cells.
  • micronutrients are responsible for the smooth running of the processes in the body. They regulate, for example, the metabolism and the immune system. For this it is important that we take in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

The causes of a nutrient deficiency

Fast food contains hardly any nutrients.
Fast food contains hardly any nutrients.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Flyfishing Hut)

The list of nutrients we should consume is long. Nutrient deficiencies are therefore quite common. The following factors can promote a deficiency:

  • Unbalanced diet: If you do not eat a varied and healthy diet, you risk a nutrient deficiency. Especially processed products with flour and sugar contain hardly any nutrients. The situation is similar with fast food: Even finished products are usually so heavily processed and heated that they hardly contain any valuable vitamins and nutrients.
  • Changed nutritional needs: During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the body needs a lot of nutrients. Excessive exercise can also affect nutritional needs.
  • In case of illness: In the case of an intestinal disease, nutrients can often not be absorbed properly. It is similar with chronic diseases or taking medication.
  • stimulants: Excessive alcohol consumption, too much coffee, sugary foods, nicotine and other harmful stimulants have a negative effect on the absorption of nutrients and can lead to a deficiency.
  • Mental problems: Significant mental stress can be associated with loss of appetite or gastrointestinal problems. These factors can also promote nutrient deficiencies.

How to recognize a nutrient deficiency

When there is a nutrient deficiency, we often feel tired and exhausted.
When there is a nutrient deficiency, we often feel tired and exhausted.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Wokandapix)

A nutrient deficiency usually shows up very gradually: The first symptoms are often very unspecific. so can fatigue, listlessness and a susceptibility to infections indicate a defect. But also external changes like brittle nails or a pale face can provide an indication of a nutrient deficiency.

notice: Which nutrient you are missing can only be determined by a blood count. If any of the symptoms listed here apply to you, you should seek medical advice.

Symptoms of a protein deficiency:

If you too little proteins you eat, it can lead to a protein deficiency. This often happens as a result of malnutrition, so it is rather rare in developed countries. It mainly affects older people who are no longer able to take care of themselves. A protein deficiency can have the following symptoms:

  • exhaustion and feelings of weakness,
  • muscle breakdown,
  • a weakened immune system and increased susceptibility to infections,
  • water retention.

Symptoms of iron deficiency:

Iron is one of the trace elements. In the red blood cells, it transports oxygen to the individual cells. Iron deficiency is considered widespread. Women in particular are more prone to iron deficiency than men because of their periods. you can come with iron-rich foods take action against it. Typical symptoms are:

  • tiredness, exhaustion,
  • difficulty concentrating,
  • Pallor, dizziness and Headache,
  • brittle nails as well as increased hair loss.

Symptoms of a magnesium deficiency:

There are numerous reasons why the body absorbs and processes too little magnesium. Especially during pregnancy, there is an increased need for the mineral. But athletes also have an increased need for magnesium. These factors indicate a magnesium deficiency:

  • nervousness and sleep disturbances,
  • Dizziness,
  • muscle cramps, especially in the calves,
  • low threshold and depressive moods.

Symptoms of a folic acid deficiency:

folic acid belongs to the B vitamins. Mothers are particularly affected by a lack of folic acid during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The vitamin plays a special role in the growth and reproduction of cells. Typical signs are:

  • exhaustion and weakness,
  • tingling or numbness in the limbs,
  • low stimulus threshold and depressive moods,
  • diarrhea.

Symptoms of a vitamin D3 deficiency:

The body can Vitamin D3 form themselves. This happens as soon as he is exposed to the sun. The deficiency therefore often occurs in winter, when the sun rarely shines. But infants, small children and the elderly can also suffer from a vitamin D3 deficiency. This is how the nutrient deficiency can manifest itself:

  • muscle weakness and bone pain,
  • Skeletal changes in children (e.g. bowlegs),
  • Osteoporosis (especially in the elderly).

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency:

People with vegan diet a Vitamin B12-Deficiency reported. The vitamin plays a major role in the production of red blood cells. The function of the nerve cells and the metabolism depend on a good supply of the vitamin. How to recognize a defect:

  • tiredness, exhaustion,
  • concentration problems,
  • paleness and anemia,
  • change in the mucous membranes,
  • numbness and tingling in the limbs,
  • feeling of disorientation,
  • insecurity when walking.

You can do this if you have a nutrient deficiency

A balanced diet prevents nutrient deficiencies.
A balanced diet prevents nutrient deficiencies.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / raggio5)

To prevent or correct a nutrient deficiency, you should pay attention to the following things:

  • Change your diet. It is important that you are varied and eat a balanced diet. These include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and oils, and legumes.
  • When it comes to nutrition, the more colorful the better. So you can confidently try your way through the color palette of fruit and vegetables. Make sure to eat seasonally and locally. You can find help here: Seasonal Calendar for Vegetables and Fruit: Think Global, Eat Local!
  • Avoid fast food and ready meals. They usually contain hardly any valuable nutrients. Food that is overheated also quickly loses its vitamins and minerals. Eat fruit and vegetables mainly raw (of course only if they are compatible).
  • If you are pregnant or want to breastfeed, talk to your doctor about nutrient deficiencies and supplements.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine.
  • If you suffer from stress, you should focus on your mental health. relaxation techniquesa sabbaticalcoaching or therapies help to reduce stress.

Notice: There are numerous self-tests that are said to be able to detect a nutrient deficiency. But you should take a closer look at how the NDR show Markt from February 2022 found out:

Read more at Utopia:

  • Eating healthy: 10 nutritional myths
  • Vegan food pyramid: How to eat healthy
  • Sustainable shopping: The pyramid for sustainable consumption


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