Petrol price in the Netherlands second highest worldwide

Globally, oil prices have been falling again recently, but we are not seeing much of this at the pump. The Dutch suggested retail price for petrol seems to end well above 2 euros per liter this year, worldwide prices are only higher in Hong Kong.

Petrol price in the Netherlands second highest worldwide

Never before have petrol prices risen as fast as this year. According to UnitedConsumers, which daily monitors the recommended prices of the five largest oil companies, the average recommended price on Monday is more than 2.08 euros per liter. That is an increase of 40 cents per liter compared to the 1.68 euros at the beginning of this year.

The petrol price reached its highest level on November 18, when an average of 2,145 euros per liter had to be tapped. A large part of the petrol price consists of excise duty (0.82 euros) and VAT, with the higher petrol price generating additional VAT revenue for the state.

According to the website Globalpetrolprices, the Netherlands is in second place worldwide, only in Hong Kong it is more expensive at the pump. According to Globalpetrolprices, you are 33 cents per liter more expensive in Hong Kong, but there is a caveat: the website calculates with a Dutch price of € 1.96, which is 12 cents lower than the average recommended price according to UnitedConsumers.

Based on the figures from Globalpetrolprices, petrol in the Netherlands is in turn 10 cents more expensive than in Israel, which is in third place. The Central African Republic and Norway complete the top 5.

The price difference in the Netherlands compared to neighboring countries is also remarkable. Belgium (€1.60) and Germany (€1.58) are on the list in 21st and 22nd place, while in France €1.61 ​​(19th place) has to be ticked off. Within Europe, the price of petrol is cheapest at €1.23 in Romania, followed by Poland (€1.25) and Hungary (€1.27).

– Thanks for information from Motorfreaks.

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