More supply with 12 percent addition

Peugeot e-208
Peugeot is lowering the lease prices of the e-208 and e-2008. This means that the electric cars for business drivers can be driven with a 12 percent addition. The private lease rates are also changing.
Peugeot offers the models e-208 and e-2008 in more and more affordable versions. The starting prices are so lower that there is more offer for business drivers below 40,000 euros. This allows them to drive the Peugeot at the low addition amount of 12 percent. The private lease rates are also changing.
Business lease drivers
The Peugeot e-208 now has a recommended tax price (so without roadworthiness costs) from 30,950 euros. Operational lease starts at 398 euros per month excluding VAT, at 60 months and 10,000 km / year via Free2Move Lease. The special version for business drivers e-208 Blue Lease has a starting tax price of 32,150 euros. The e-208 GT Pack also remains with 36,150 euros well below the limit for 12 percent addition.
The same applies to the Peugeot e-2008, which has a starting tax price from 35,900 euros; and for the business e-2008 Blue Lease (from 36,050 euros) and the e-2008 Allure Pack (from 37,950 euros). The operational lease rate starts at 449 euros per month.
Private lease
Peugeot is also changing private lease rates. The e-208 Active is now available from € 425 per month, with a duration of 60 months and 10,000 km / year. Individuals can privately lease the e-2008 Active from EUR 485 per month.