Photo worth seeing: Cosmic food for thought

Photo worth seeing: Cosmic food for thought

Neil deGrasse Tyson really covers a wide field in his new book. In his book “In the Mirror of the Cosmos”, the American astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York is concerned with nothing less than “perspectives on humanity” or, as the author writes in the very first sentence of the foreword, a “wake-up call to civilization”. His starting point is the view from the outside, for example that of astronauts or aliens who visit our planet, which from a distance is just a tiny blue dot in space, and who investigate the goings-on of its intelligent inhabitants.

DeGrasse Tyson not only has cosmic glasses on, but also those of science. He rightly believes that science has the potential to understand the behavior of nature and to accurately predict the effects of processes such as climate change. Thanks to the two “visual aids” described, the prominent researcher creates his very personal picture of society and tackles all sensitive topics, whether war, politics or religion, truth, beauty, gender or race.

The book, written in a relaxed and entertaining style, does not offer ready-made solutions, but rather plenty of valuable food for thought. The reader feels included in the considerations. And anyone who is willing to change their perspective will benefit from reading it. Helmut Hornung

Neil deGrasse Tyson
In the mirror of the cosmos
Velcro cotta, 336 p., € 25.–
ISBN 978-3-608-98680-8

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