Preparation helps: what to do if the corona test is positive?

Preparation helps: what to do if the corona test is positive?
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / analogicus

If the corona test is positive, the shock is usually great. Being well prepared just in case helps, though. We’ll tell you what’s important.

Two red lines on the test strip do not bode well: if the corona test is positive, it can be frightening. Especially in times of rapidly increasing numbers of infections, contagion becomes more and more likely. Even vaccinated or recovered people are not immune from it – even if the course of the disease is usually milder. Virologists now assume that everyone will probably be infected with the corona virus at some point. Therefore, it does not hurt to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Here you can read what you have to do if the corona test is positive.

This is how you behave correctly if you have a positive corona test

Particular caution is required if the corona test is positive.
Particular caution is required if the corona test is positive. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / lifetesterDOTnet)

If the corona test is positive, there are rules and regulations that infected people should follow. After all, this can prevent others from being infected. The following must be observed:

  • Is your Antigen or self-test positive failed, it is advisable to do a PCR test. In such a case, the PCR test is free. It is important that you confirm the positive result, because in rare cases rapid or antigen tests can lead to a so-called false positive result. However, in contrast to a positive self-test, a positive antigen rapid test is itself notifiable. You can find more information about corona tests at the Ministry of Health.
  • On the way to the PCR test at a testing station or GP practice, you should follow AHA rules and wear an FFP2 mask. If the result of your PCR test is also positive, this must be reported to the responsible health authority.
  • Even if no positive PCR result yet is present, but only a self or antigen test result, you should isolate yourself from other people. Stay quarantined at home, avoid contact with family and/or roommates and wear a mask when leaving your room. Ventilate thoroughly and stay alone in a room whenever possible.
  • Inform friends, work colleagues and family members with whom you have been in contact in the past few days so that they can also get tested. As a rule, you must also report your infection to your employer.

This is how you can take care of yourself if you have a positive corona test

If the corona test is positive, you should take it easy.
If the corona test is positive, you should take it easy. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / congerdesign)

It doesn’t matter whether the course is severe or mild – after a positive corona test, staying at home is the order of the day. Therefore, it does not hurt to think about a possible quarantine in advance:

errands before an emergency

  • Be prepared that you may be too weak to cook. Stocks or having frozen food at home is never wrong. Many Covid-infected people report a lack of appetite or have lost their sense of taste or smell. Small snacks like homemade granola bars or nuts in such a case at least provide you with some energy. Eat what you feel like – that can also be chocolate.
  • Also read our guide: Emergency supplies: You can get by with these groceries for 10 days (with shopping list)
  • If you don’t have a clinical thermometer, buy one for emergencies. If you already have one, check if it still works.
  • Make sure you have enough to drink at home, especially unsweetened tea. Tea recipes to mix yourself you can find it in another post.
  • Also, it doesn’t hurt to have medications like painkillers or expectorant cough syrup on hand.
  • If you don’t have a family doctor’s practice, look for a doctor before a possible positive corona test. Don’t hesitate to call your doctor’s office if you get worse. The same applies to the emergency doctor. Do you feel too weak or not mentally able to work in the home office, get sick leave.
  • Ask friends, neighbors or relatives who can bring you groceries, mail or drugstore items and dispose of the rubbish in an emergency. A supermarket delivery service can also be an option.

living together with others

  • Make sure you’re not in the same room with others at the same time. It can be helpful to talk about periods of bathroom and kitchen use. Whenever possible, stay in your room and ventilate it sufficiently.
  • Also, wash your laundry separately to minimize the risk of infection.

Mental well-being during isolation

  • Don’t underestimate the isolation: keep in touch with the outside world via phone, Skype or other channels. Check in at specific times so your loved ones know you’re okay. In an emergency, they can alert you for help.
  • Try to distract yourself. Especially if you only have a mild case, the days in quarantine can become excruciatingly long. Jigsaw puzzles, a serial marathon or reading can help.
  • Realize that you are not alone with your illness. Millions of people around the world have survived a corona infection well and without permanent damage. Especially if you are already vaccinated and boosted, you are actually on the safe side. The thought of it can give courage and strength.
  • Take your time with recovery. Don’t overdo it and stay in bed one more day – even if you should be feeling better.


  • Stay mentally healthy despite Corona: Expert gives tips for the winter
  • Corona virus or cold? You should look out for these signs
  • Strengthen the immune system: 10 natural tips for better defences


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