Programs you can safely update

Programs you can safely update

Sometimes installed programs report that an update is available. Then the following applies: do not ignore but install.

The software on a Windows computer is regularly updated by Microsoft. Important updates keep your PC safe. These come up several times a month. They are installed automatically. The same goes for Microsoft programs and apps, such as Word, Excel, or Mail.

But other programs on the computer are not updated automatically. This only happens after the user gives permission. It is important for the security of the PC, not to wait long.

In general, notifications that appear in the Taskbar at the bottom of the Desktop can be trusted. If a program reports that there is an update, then the following applies: don’t ignore it, install it! The procedure usually proceeds in the following way:

  • Right-click on the icon that gave the notification.
  • click on install. (or Update or the like).
  • Follow the further steps to complete the update.

Please read the message carefully before updating. Some free programs try to sell you a paid subscription with such a notification. And that is of course not the intention.

Are you surfing the web and encountering a message like ‘Your PC is at risk and needs to be updated’? This is bullshit. With these notifications, criminals try to get erroneous software on your computer. Don’t fall for it. Here applies: ignore, do not install!

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