Rebuilt Hyundai Pony Coupé Concept is ready

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Rebuilt Hyundai Pony Coupé Concept is ready

In the run-up to the ‘pony day’ that Hyundai is organizing next week in Seoul, South Korea, the Koreans are today pulling the curtain off their remade 1974 Hyundai Pony Coupé Concept. They are doing this together with its designer – Giorgetto Giugaro – in Italy , the country in which the car first took the spotlight in 1974.

Brace yourself for yet another chapter of the story about a car that – so far – never came: the Hyundai Pony Coupé. Hyundai has rebuilt the original concept for that car from 1974. We already knew that the brand would do that, but now the result can also be seen. The brand unveiled the car today together with its designer Giorgetto Giugiaro in Italy, just under 50 years after the model was originally unveiled there.

The original Hyundai Pony was the first mass-produced South Korean car. Even before that car found the general public, Hyundai presented the concept version of a coupe variant: the Hyundai Pony Coupé Concept. It did so at the Turin motor show in 1974. The Pony Coupé would eventually – partly due to the economic conditions in the 1980s – never come, but the model was certainly followed.

Hyundai Pony Coupe Concept

The late legacy of the Pony Coupé Concept

That was only much later. In 2019, Hyundai came up with the concept that preceded the Hyundai Ioniq 5 that we have known for a while now. That concept was inspired by the Pony Coupé Concept and had a production version in the form of the Ioniq 5 that remained true to it. Remarkably shortly after that production version saw the light of day, Hyundai introduced the Pony EV Heritage to the world; another loving look back at the brand’s early past.

Then we got to know the somewhat Pony-like N Vision 74 last year, after which Hyundai announced a little later that it would rebuild the original Pony Coupé Concept, to show the result of that reconstruction today, in the run-up to the ‘pony day’ next week in Seoul. Are you still following?

No? Long story short: the Pony Coupé Concept as it was introduced to the world in 1974, exists again today. And: next week Hyundai is organizing a ‘pony day’, on which a retro model – of course again inspired by the Pony – will be unveiled, and then one that may go into production. In any case, we are very curious after all that dry cleaning.

Hyundai Pony Coupe Concept


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