Relaxation techniques: These 4 exercises slow down

Relaxation techniques: These 4 exercises slow down
Photo: CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay / josemdelaa

Relaxation techniques can reduce stress and slow down everyday life. We’ll show you classic mindfulness exercises to slow down.

Everyday life can often be hectic and stressful. Not only the psyche but also the physical health suffers from constant tension. It is important to calm down and regain strength in the stressful everyday life.

Relaxation exercises and deceleration techniques can help you with this. There are numerous effective ways you can relax. We’ll introduce you to the following four exercises that you can easily integrate into your everyday life. Take a few minutes and treat yourself to small breaks in everyday life.

1. Relaxation technique: breathing exercises

You can also relax in the office with breathing exercises.
You can also relax in the office with breathing exercises. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / StartupStockPhotos)

Breathing exercises help you find relaxation. You can integrate this relaxation technique well into your everyday life and carry it out at home or in the office. You don’t need any equipment and you only need a few minutes. You can relax while sitting or lying down with these two breathing exercises:

Abdominal breathing:

  1. Place both hands on your stomach at the level of your belly button.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Consciously breathe in and out into your stomach and against your hands.
  4. Feel your breath and how your hands go up and down.
  5. Inhale and exhale seven times.


  1. Focus on your breathing.
  2. Each time you inhale, count to four and then hold your breath for three seconds.
  3. Exhale, counting to four.
  4. After exhaling, hold your breath again for three seconds.
  5. You can repeat this exercise five times.

Breathing exercises cause you to automatically relax and your heartbeat to slow down. You can always incorporate this little relaxation exercise in between.

2. Active relaxation technique: Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is an active relaxation technique.
Progressive muscle relaxation is an active relaxation technique. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / xusenru)

the Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PME) according to Jacobsen is an active relaxation exercise. You first tense muscle groups one after the other and then relax them again. By lowering muscle tension, you reduce physical restlessness and relieves tension.

You can do the relaxation exercise lying down or in a comfortable sitting position. Take about 20 to 30 minutes. Close your eyes. Gradually you contract a muscle group for about six seconds and then relax it for about 20 seconds. Proceed in this order:

  1. Right hand, right arm
  2. Left hand, left arm
  3. Face, neck
  4. Back, stomach
  5. Right leg, right foot
  6. Left leg, left foot

Health insurance companies offer courses on guided PME. But you can also let yourself be guided at home:

  • At TK Krankenkasse you can download instructions as audio files.
  • The AOK offers video instructions.

3. Deceleration through mindful experience

Mindfulness can help you focus on the here and now and Reduce stress. Various slowdown exercises help. Integrate short mindfulness units into your everyday life, in which you consciously perceive your environment and pause:

Whether in the morning in the shower, on the way to work or while eating. Just concentrate on what you are doing and what you feel about it: How does the water from the shower feel? What sounds do the water droplets make? How does the food taste? What noises do you hear How does the weather feel on your face?

By arriving in the here and now, you can let your worries rest for a moment and relax. Mindfulness Calendar help you to integrate even more relaxation exercises into your everyday life.

Buy**: for around 10 euros Amazon or Thalia.

4. Mindfulness meditation for inner calm

Meditation is a relaxation technique and can also help you sharpen your mindfulness.
Meditation is a relaxation technique and can also help you sharpen your mindfulness. (Photo: CC0 / Public Domain / Pixabay / leninscape)

Meditation is also one of the mindfulness exercises. You gather your mind and come to rest. You can start the day with a meditation as a relaxation exercise or you can relax with it in the evening.

  1. Start with two minutes a day and work up to five to ten minutes a day.
  2. Sit comfortably with your legs crossed and your back straight.
  3. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.
  4. Feel the abdominal wall rising and falling.
  5. The focus is on your abdominal wall and on your breathing.
  6. If you find that your thoughts are wandering, do not judge yourself, but return to the here and now to breathing.

Meditation apps can help you to slowly get used to meditation and to integrate it into everyday life.

Integrate relaxation techniques and slowing down into everyday life

Find the relaxation techniques that work best for you. Then it makes sense to repeat relaxation units regularly and to integrate them into your everyday life. This way you will quickly notice a difference and be less stressed. If it is difficult for you, first actively plan the relaxation exercises and make your own appointments in the calendar.

Read more on Utopia:

  • Increase concentration: 9 tips that will help you
  • Reduce stress: 7 tips on how to slow down your life
  • Digital Detox: consciously go offline

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