Relaxing sleep despite a cold: that helps

Relaxing sleep despite a cold: that helps
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / JAYMANTRI

Anyone who has a cold often does not keep an eye closed at night – sleeping would be so important. We’ll tell you how you can sleep better.

Who doesn’t know it? In the event of a cold, there is almost an impossible thing. Either the nose is clogged and breathing is difficult or you have to cough all the time. It is particularly important for a cold in relaxing sleep so that the body can quickly get well again.

But don’t worry: With a few simple tricks and home remedies you can also sleep well.

Also cold sleeps well: what you can do in the bedroom

If you sleep badly or only a little, this can affect your immune system. Sleep is generally considered to be beneficial when curing colds. So that you can also sleep well, it is worth making a few preparations in your bedroom:

  • Ventilation can help you sleep better before sleeping. The air exchange prevents the development of dry air, which can lead to coughing. Also pay attention to the room temperature, which should be around 17 degrees Celsius.

  • According to the ENT doctors online, it helps to sleep a little with runny nose and cough. You can simply put a second pillow under. This should ensure a free nose and less coughing at night.

Sleeping a cold: gain ointments

Ointments can help you to sleep better.
Ointments can help you to sleep better.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pezibear)

Cold ointments are tried and tested when it comes to relieving the symptoms. Scientists: Inside the Pennsylvania State University found that cold ointments in the event of coughing and eating nose can cause a more relaxing sleep.

The study was carried out in cold children who were rubbed with ointments before going to bed and chest area, which contained menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oils. The children not only slept better, their symptoms were also weaker the next morning. By the way, you can also make cold balm yourself.

Cold to sleep: what you can also do

Drink enough throughout the day so that you can also sleep well.
Drink enough throughout the day so that you can also sleep well.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Congerdesign)

Of course there are other tips and tricks that can help you get a cold to sleep better. This includes the following home remedies for a cold:

  • You should drink enough throughout the day, for example unsweetened herbal or cough tea. This moisturizes your mucous membranes.
  • Inhaling in the event of a cold and cough freed the upper respiratory tract. In order to be able to sleep better, you can inhale water vapor beforehand.

  • Use a nasal end shower before going to bed to be able to breathe better.
  • Even a warm shower before sleeping frees the airways for a certain period of time and makes you breathe more easily.
  • Tiger Balm also ensures a free nose.

  • Husten juice in the evening can also ensure a more relaxing sleep.
  • A general tip for better falling asleep, which not only helps with a cold: If your cell phone, put your cell phone away at least an hour before going to bed.

If you have slept poorly, there are various ways of how you get through the day the next day. So that it doesn’t get that far, you can protect yourself from a cold with healthy foods.


  • Whether Fire Cider or Fire Tonic: A fiery recipe for a cold
  • Thyme oil: effect and application in the event of a cold and more
  • Cold bath: when it makes sense and what additives work

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