It is quite frustrating when in a Word document you are confronted with a blank page that you cannot remove with a stick. What seems like the simplest task in the world just doesn’t work. Every time you delete the page, a new blank page appears. How come and what can you do about it?
Step 1: Delete-delete
This inconvenience usually occurs at the end of the document. While your work is done, you notice that after the last page that contains text, there is still a blank page. We show some methods and if one way doesn’t work, just try the next. The way that usually works is this: place the mouse pointer at the top of the blank page at the end of the document. Check that there is nothing on this page. For example, there may be an invisible paragraph at the end of the text. Select everything on this seemingly blank page and use the Delete key to remove the selection. Then press again delete to remove the blank page.
Step 2: Remove Page Break
A blank page that you cannot delete contains formatting that is not visible. Making these paragraph marks and hidden symbols visible will help you understand what’s going on. In the tab Start do you use the button Show/hide formatting marks. That’s the button with a icon Paragraph Marker. This will make all hidden formatting characters appear in blue. Spaces, tab jumps, paragraph marks, and the like appear as odd characters in the document, but not on the printout. You will probably have a Page break on the blank page. You can select and delete it with the Delete key.
Step 3: Via the Navigation Pane
A third way to put pages in Become to delete regardless of where they are in the document is via the Navigation pane. Use the tab Image and in the group View do you find the check box Navigation pane. In this pane that appears on the left, select the tab Pages. Then you see all the thumbnails of the pages in the document. Click on the thumbnail of the empty page and delete it with the Delete key.