Despite the popularity of Dropbox, you may have good reasons to remove this service from your computer. You want to switch to an alternative cloud service, you are experiencing problems with the software or you want to get rid of the computer? This way you can delete Dropbox while keeping your files.
Step 1: Stop syncing
To start, make sure the storage service stops syncing in the background. In Windows, click the Dropbox icon in the system tray. Then right-click on the profile icon, usually your photo. Then use the command Close Dropboxâ€
In macOS, the sync service icon is located at the top right of the main menu. Open this and you can also stop the automatic synchronization there in the same way.
Step 2: Uninstall Program
Then you can uninstall the Dropbox program. In Windows, press Windows key+X and then you choose Apps & Features†In this list, select the Dropbox application and then click on the label remove†Do you already work with Windows 11then select the icon More (the three dots) next to Dropbox to the button remove to see.
Confirm by again remove and then follow the Dropbox uninstaller instructions to remove the application from your computer.
In macOS, locate the Dropbox program in the folder apps†Right click or Ctrl key pressed on this program and choose the command Move to Trash†Your Mac computer may ask for the administrator password.
Step 3: Clear account
Do not confuse the Dropbox application with the Dropbox folder. Now that the sync has stopped and the program has been removed, the sync folder is still on your computer. This applies to both operating systems. You can leave that folder alone and see later if you still want to use the contents.
You may prefer to immediately clean up the contents and move the data to other folders on your computer. All the previous steps do not mean that your Dropbox account has actually been deleted.
If you also want to permanently delete your account, you have to go to the Dropbox website surf and log in with your username and password. Via your account icon you open the Institutions and you come to a window Personal account†Scroll down and use at Delete my Dropbox the button Remove Accountâ€