You should remove ticks as soon as possible. You have to be very careful and you should keep your fingers from questionable home remedies, for example oil.
If you were in nature, you should search for ticks, especially in the tick time from spring to late autumn. They sit at the knee height in the grass and get on the skin from there. Ticks particularly like to settle in wetland regions of the body, such as knee flours, strips and armpits. There you should look for ticks particularly carefully.
Many ticks carry the Borreliosis pathogen with it, some also the pathogens of early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE). TBE viruses are transmitted faster than Borrelia. Both can be healed if they were recognized at an early stage. Incidentally, you can also be immunized against TBE by vaccination.
Avoid these home remedies if you remove ticks
The RKI warns and advises against drizzling the tick with oil or glue in order to then remove it. As a result, the tick could even put their infectious saliva into the wound – and that must be avoided.
Remove ticks correctly: pliers, slings and hooks

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Jerzygorecki)
Important: You should always remove a tick as soon as possible to minimize the risk of infection. If you have no tweezers or a special tool, it can also work with the fingernails (without turning!). However, avoid this if possible, or go to medical specialists. Examine yourself and especially children promptly after staying in the forest and on meadows.
You can pull out a tick with tweezers or a tick card, tick loop or tick pliers. Always go carefully.
Instructions for the tick pliers:
- Set the tick pliers as close as possible to the skin.
- Press the tick pliers and slowly pull the tick (approx. 30 seconds), carefully and straight out.
Note: Do not turn the tick pliers, otherwise part of the tick body could get stuck in the skin.
Instructions for the tick card:
- Guide the tick card as close as possible to the tick.
- Try to push the tick card on so that the tick gets into the opening of the tick card with the head.
- If you have the tick in the opening of the card, you push the tick card further and up from your body.
Instructions for the tick loop/the ticklasso:
- Place the loop of the ticklass on the skin around the tick. It is then in the middle of the loop.
- Pull up the loop and place the handle vertically to the skin.
- Slowly lift the tick remover with the tick in the Lasso and thus remove the tick out of the skin.
After removing the tick: watching hiking blush

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Whites session)
- As with almost all stitches, the skin is somewhat red even after a tick bite. However, the redness dies after two to three days. If not, you should see a doctor here, more about this: tick bite symptoms: What to do if the stitch itches and is red?
- Typical of an infection with Lyme disease is the wandering blush. It forms in a circle around the stitch and occurs after the redness of the actual stitch has already subsided. Tip: In order to be able to locate the hiking blush after a few days, you can circle the actual tick bite with a waterproof pen. Then get medical advice, even if you don’t remember a tick bite.
- In some cases, the black cake apparatus of the tick remains in the skin. It is colloquially referred to as the head of the tick. Because of his hooks, it can often not be removed so easily. But that doesn’t matter because it does not contain any bacteria and is emitted after a while. Disinfect the job. If you are unsure, you can still catch up with general practitioner advice.
- Symptoms of an infection begin between 7 and 14 days after the tick bite. With a reddening of around four centimeters in size, you should definitely have a doctor examined by the wound or flu -like symptoms.
Read more at utopia.de:
- Coconut oil against ticks: effect and application
- Outdoor accessories: 10 useful helpers who are more sustainable
- Picnic in harmony with nature – you should pay attention to that
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