The Looks Like Rain app provides hourly forecasts for the next ten days. In addition, the information is enriched with real time information about rainfall.

Dennis Gandasoebrata

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Curious about the weather? The choice of apps is huge. However, the makers of Looks Like Rain think that there is still room for a new player. The app provides the forecast for the next ten days at hourly level. In addition, the information is enriched with real time information about rainfall.

The app is available for iPhone and iPad, but there is also a desktop edition for Mac. If you use the app on multiple platforms, user-specific information, such as favorite locations, is exchanged between devices. This way you have the right information everywhere.

The layout for the mobile app is clear: at the top you see the current location and the current temperature, while directly below that the forecast for the next 24 hours is shown. The rest of the screen is intended for displaying the different days. If you tap on a day, the details follow, including a graph that shows the forecast at hourly level.

There is also a dark version of the app, which activates when the phone or tablet is in that mode. In addition, the creators have worked on a widgetso you can see the most important information without opening the app. You can show the information on your home screen and on the lock screen.

Product: Looks Like Rain (

4 stars

Price: Free
System Requirements: iOS/iPadOS 16.4+, visionOS 1.0+, MacOS 13.0+
Language: English