If you stay somewhere without internet, this app is a great pastime. You play Rummy Club offline against computer-controlled opponents.

Michael Dijkhuizen

Review Rummy Club: Rummikups

Incidentally, the app also includes an online mode. You compete against human players. As the name suggests, this app mimics the well-known party game Rummikub. The aim is to be the first to get rid of fourteen number stones by arranging them logically on the playing field. Optionally, use a wild card to replace a certain number. In total there are 106 stones circulating.

Have you never played Rummikub? The app optionally starts with an explanation in Dutch, although it is not always clear. The instructions contain code language. Fortunately, the gameplay is quite simple. You swipe a number tile to the intended spot on the playing field. A smartphone screen is a bit on the tight side for this. This is especially true for people with thicker fingers. For this reason, you should preferably use this beautifully designed app on a tablet.

The colorful menu looks rather bombastic. So take some time to get used to Rummy Club. By the way, you can only play this game in landscape mode. If desired, disable personalized advertising and the background music in the settings.

PCA stars 4 5 328

rummy club

4 and half stars

Price: Free
System requirements: Android 4.4+, iOS 11.0+
Language: Dutch