One movie after another is popping up in the cinemas or on streaming services. With Kernel you always stay informed of which gems are coming and you can easily keep a personal list of movies you don’t want to miss.
Kernel keeps track of all movie releases for you
Kernel focuses on one thing as best it can: the app keeps track of all upcoming movie releases. As a result, the app helps you to both stay informed about new films, but also never forget when a title is in the cinema or available online. Once you’ve chosen a movie, it will appear on your personal ‘watch list’ with a clock counting down to the day the movie will be available.

In addition to this watch list, the app consists of a blog and a list full of upcoming films that you can organize based on release date or popularity. At the bottom you choose whether the list offers you upcoming cinema releases, films on online services or as physical DVDs.
If you tap on a film in this list, you will immediately see a clear overview of the most important information. In addition to the release date and at what stage the film production is now, you will also find an extensive description and trailer.
Do you get excited about a film and do you want to keep an eye on when it is shown? Then tap the plus sign and it will appear in your personal overview. This makes the app ideal for people who want to check the latest productions without fuss of top lists or reviews of existing films.
More depth for the enthusiast
It is possible to receive a reminder at different times of the film releases that you have on your list. For example, you can get a notification 100, 50, 30, 14, or 7 days prior to the release. We found the best options to receive this notification a day in advance or on the day itself. If you prefer to receive multiple notifications, you can also simply check all these options.
Do you want some more background and depth around all the film violence? Then it is worth going for the paid version of Kernel. You pay the fine amount of 2.29 euros for this once, after which you get access to the extensive blog of the app. Opinions, extensive reviews, new trailers, funny fragments and news are presented here. You can also add unlimited movies, while in the free version you only add three titles to your list.
Another addition that makes the app interesting is that there is also a Watch app. With this you can easily scroll through your own list and see how many days it takes for each film to be released. Despite the small screen, you can read the description of a film without any problems.