More road users called on roadside assistance during the heat wave than usual, the ANWB said. In the first two weeks of August, the number of breakdowns was 3 percent higher than normal.
Especially before last weekend the Roadside Assistance was busy. At that time, about 3,700 breakdowns had to be handled, where about three thousand is normal. The ANWB was set up that it might have to be pulled out more often. “Due to the large number of people who holiday in their own country, we had expected that the Roadside Assistance would get busier,” said a spokesman. “The high temperature was added to that.”
Initially, there were mainly additional reports in the coastal areas, but on busy days breakdown assistance had to be provided throughout the country. “You will find water and recreational areas everywhere and they are all well attended on a nice day,” says the ANWB. Many breakdowns were caused by problems with the cooling of the engine. The Wegenwacht also found a larger number of empty batteries. In addition, problems with the window mechanism were more frequent than average for the past period.
“You can assume that 90 percent of the problems can be solved on the spot, with or without the advice to go to the garage later.” For the Road Guards themselves there was wave support during the heat by means of extra water and ice creams.