SberAutoTech, a division of the Russian Sberbank, comes with the Flip. Flip can be described as an autonomous taxi and is – of course – still in the testing phase.
According to Automotive News Europe, which has unraveled the news from the Russians, SberBank is trying to make its money pay off in many areas. Automobility is apparently also part of this, although we don’t blame you if a vehicle like Flip does not fit within the framework of your car love.
Flip – we don’t use articles for this first name – has no clear front and back and seems to consist mainly of dark glass. The colossus offers space for six passengers within the outer dimensions of an average car. Literally passengers, because a driver is obviously not there.
For the rest, Flip is largely shrouded in mystery, as is often the case with things from Russia. There is one photo and the statement that the thing is electric, but we could have guessed that ourselves.
It is interesting that, according to its makers, Flip can also handle natural gas and hydrogen, although it does not tell us exactly how we should see that for us. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the batteries are easily replaceable, perhaps also by something other than a battery.
According to the inventors, the battery exchange process takes five minutes, so that the vehicle can be used almost continuously. This is important, because the vision for a vehicle like Flip is that it is a workhorse that can be used for freight transport as well as as a taxi.