
Early medieval attic find

Discovered by chance in the attic: a sax and a spearhead from the late 7th century. (Image: University of Innsbruck) Archaeological treasures do not...

Apes know if you know

What do others know, what do they think and how will this affect their actions? Not only we humans can put ourselves in the...

The symbolic birds of love in the spotlight

Their intimate pair behavior has made the lovebirds famous. (Photo: NABU / R. Thierfelder) "They are like two lovebirds", it is said - but where...

Bouncing bubbles drive micro-submarines

Powerful tiny things, precisely controllable: Nanotechnologists have developed sophisticated micro-floats that can arrange silicate spheres into letters, push cells into position and even climb...

Like bees “surfing”

With their wings, bees create waves in the water to move. (Image: Chris Roh and Mory Gharib / Caltech) Honeybees have many special talents. The...

Over 100 and not a bit forgetful

Biologist Tamar Gutnick scratches "George" in the Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna. (Image: OIST) They are famous for their slowness and longevity - giant turtles, on the...

Tool use discovered in seabirds

The trademark of the puffins is their colorful beak (Image: ps50ace / istock) They use stick or stone specifically for their purposes: tool use is...

Blood flow filmed all over the body

It swirls through the heart and then flows to all organs and parts of the body: How the blood flows through the veins of...

Literally cool butterfly wings

Infrared images of butterflies: The bright areas are linked to the ability to cool radiation. (Image: Nanfang Yu and Cheng-Chia Tsai / Columbia Engineering) Butterfly...

Cyborg jellyfish for marine research

Artist's impression of the technically upgraded jellyfish. (Image: Rebecca Konte / Caltech) Put in turbo gear: Researchers have equipped jellyfish with a kind of pacemaker...

How the life element phosphorus came to earth

Astronomers have followed the journey of phosphorus from star formation to comets by combining data from ALMA and the Rosetta probe. (Photo: ALMA (ESO...

Ultrafast microscope for the quantum world

The combination of ultra-short laser pulses (red) with a scanning tunneling microscope makes quantum processes visible like an electronic wave packet (colored) with atomic...

Star embryo with hot flashes

Artist's impression of a protostar that accretes and grows gas from a circumstellar disk. (Image: NASA / JPL-Caltech, R. Hurt / SSC) Massive stars do...

Gas giants and brown dwarfs arise differently

Gas giant or brown dwarf? (Image: dottedhippo / iStock) Big gas planet or "failed" star? This question is difficult to answer for some massive celestial...

These are 5 biggest threats to humanity – and they all have to do with environment

Moreover, they can reinforce each other, which may lead to a global crisis in the coming century. A large-scale study involving no fewer than 200...

We probably underestimated how long it took for Mars to be formed

Meteorites betray that the formation of Mars took much more time than expected. The very young solar system was probably a violent and chaotic place. Objects...

When did beavers go into the water?

Scientists reconstructed the evolution of beavers with the help of DNA from an extinct giant beaver. There are currently two beaver species - the European...

Artificial intelligence can detect breast cancer just as well as radiologists

It may be a new weapon in the fight against this nasty disease. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Despite significant improvements in...

Climate change may wipe out a third of all plant and animal species in 50 years

And if we don't watch out, we will lose half of all species by that time. Not all plant and animal species can cope with...

New invention that helps us generate solar energy more efficiently

Powerful laser pulses etch small patterns onto metal surfaces, so that they absorb a lot of light. Not long ago, researchers presented an unsinkable piece of...

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