
Dinosaur embryo with nasal horn

Exposed head of the sauropod embryo (Image: Kundrat et al. / Current Biology) Sauropods - long-necked herbivorous dinosaurs - were the largest land animals to...

Hemp tea: its effects and uses

With hemp tea you can benefit from the effects of hemp without ingesting the plant through the respiratory tract. You can read about...

Naphthalene: Where the toxic substance occurs

Naphthalene is a colorless substance that surrounds us in everyday life as a component of certain products and gases. Here you can find...

“Plastic swallowers” ​​don’t save the seas

How well do floating garbage collectors help against plastic pollution in the oceans? (Image: Roger Spranz, ZMT / Making Oceans Plastic Free) The oceans...

Enigmatic primeval monuments of Arabia

View along the long side of a Mustatil building. The researchers can be identified by the rear edge of the large structure. ...

How cold was the last ice age?

Much of the northern hemisphere was covered by glaciers during the last ice age. (Image: Grafissimo / iStock) Around 20,000 years ago, large parts...

Microbial space travel: explored potential

From 2015 to 2018, the tests were carried out in the exposed facility of the International Space Station. (Image: JAXA / NASA) How resilient...

How to deal with “fear of the climate”? That’s what a psychologist says

The climate crisis worries many - and rightly so. But how to deal with “fear of the climate”? We spoke to a...

Re-infection possible after recovering from Covid-19?

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Image: creativeworks / iStrock) So far, people who have survived Covid-19 disease have been considered protected: their immune system protects them...

ESA probe shows the sun at close range

UV image of a miniature flare on the sun (arrow) (Image: Solar Orbiter / EUI Team / ESA & NASA; CSL, IAS, MPS, PMOD...

Ancient temples were handicapped accessible

Ruins of the Temple of Asclepius in Epidaurus. (Image: elgreko / iStock) Even the Greeks planned access to many of their sanctuaries for the...

How the floors threaten to wash away

If more and more soil is washed away by precipitation, there is a risk of fertility loss. (Image: JJ Gouin / iStock) The...

Heart muscle inflammation as a long-term consequence after Covid-19

The coronavirus can attack various organs. (Image: leestat / iStock) After a good six months of fighting the coronavirus and Covid-19, it is becoming...

Home office: an opportunity for climate protection

No need to go to work: a lack of commuting could significantly reduce CO2 emissions and the volume of traffic. (Image: scyther5 /...

Featured picture: The bridge lizard – a living fossil

The bridge lizard, which is up to 80 centimeters long and weighs one kilogram, can easily be mistaken for a small dragon due to...

Which bird is the loudest?

The males of the single-flap kotingas sound their females with record-loud courtship calls. (Image: Anselmo d'Affonseca) From our native singers to the exotic species...

Hot role: application and effect

With the hot roller, we introduce you to a simple therapy method for the skin based on water. You can use the hot...

Greenland experiences record ice loss

Icebergs and ice front of the Jakobshavn Isbræ glacier in West Greenland. (Image: Alfred Wegener Institute / Ingo Sasgen Greenland is still covered by...

As the Sahara dried up, Asia suffered too

Analyzes of stalagmite samples from caves in the north of Laos have provided geochemical indications of climatic developments in the heavily populated Asian monsoon...

Gamma ray burst from the youth of the cosmos

Afterglow of the gamma ray burst GRB181123B (circle) (Image: Travis Rector / University of Alaska Anchorage), Mahdi Zamani and Davide de Martin) Gamma ray bursts...

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