Hemp tea: its effects and uses

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / TinaKru

With hemp tea you can benefit from the effects of hemp without ingesting the plant through the respiratory tract. You can read about the positive properties of hemp tea and what you should consider here.

Cannabis has long been considered a versatile medicinal plant. Hemp tea can be made from the variant of the plant that is legal in Germany. This means that it is free from THC, the illegal active ingredient from the marijuana plant.

This article only deals with legal hemp tea and its effects. You will also learn how to prepare and use hemp tea.

Ingredients and effects of hemp tea

Hemp tea is a great way to benefit from the effects of the medicinal plant.
Hemp tea is a great way to benefit from the effects of the medicinal plant.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / kumarfotographer)

There are numerous active ingredients in the cannabis plant that make it a tried and tested medicinal plant.

The most important group of ingredients includes Cannabinoids. In addition to illegal THC, this includes above all CBD, i.e. cannabidiol. The substance is very popular in medical applications and has now been extensively researched.

One WHO report According to CBD, there is no potential for abuse or addiction. So far there is no evidence that the consumption of pure CBD has a negative impact on human health. On the contrary – the fabric supports the body in many ways, like a Harvard University article approved. Among other things, he works:

  • relaxing
  • pain reliever
  • reassuring
  • relaxing
  • anxiety-relieving

In addition to cannabinoids, the plant is also rich in other active ingredients. These include:

  • Flavonoids
  • Terpenes
  • Antioxidants

This is how you use hemp tea

Hemp tea can help with various problems.
Hemp tea can help with various problems.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels)

The diverse effects of hemp tea and the cannabinoids it contains ensure a wide range of uses.

Hemp tea for pain:

  • Due to its relaxing and pain relieving effects, cannabis is well suited to treating pain.
  • A cup of hemp tea can be added Menstrual cramps to provide relief to chronic pain disorders.
  • Just at Pain unresponsive to conventional treatment, CBD has shown great success.

Hemp tea for sleep disorders:

  • The calming effects of hemp also affect ours Sleep quality positive.
  • The contained CBD helps both to fall asleep faster and to actually sleep through the night.

Hemp tea for anxiety problems:

  • Although hemp cannot spare you therapy – the plant can be unpleasant Flare-ups soften and help you relax more like a study 2019 showed.

This is how you prepare hemp tea

So that hemp tea can fully develop its effect, you have to pay attention to a few things during preparation.
So that hemp tea can fully develop its effect, you have to pay attention to a few things during preparation.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / SirGreen)

Hemp tea is a traditional drink with beneficial effects. Green tea is used in traditional Chinese medicine as well as in the Indian tradition of Ayurveda. Today, hemp tea is no longer so widespread. This may be due to the fact that making the drink is not that easy. You should consider the following points so that you can benefit from the medicinal aspects of hemp tea:

  • The ingredients of hemp tea are only poorly soluble in water. A study has dealt with medicinal hemp tea and the active ingredient content of the drink. The result: In order to achieve the best possible concentration of active ingredients, you should let the tea simmer for about 15 minutes.
  • Since the active ingredients are fat-soluble, you can boil the tea in milk or plant-based milk, or at least add a sip of it.
  • The active ingredient content decreases sharply over time. Therefore, you should always prepare the tea fresh and not store it for several days.
  • Feel for the right dose to see how your body reacts to it. Start with about half a gram for half a liter of tea. Observe the effects of the hemp tea before increasing the dose.

Buy hemp tea

You can also order hemp tea online.
You can also order hemp tea online.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Wild0ne)

If you want to use hemp tea medicinally, the product itself is just as important as the correct preparation. To ensure that the hemp tea develops its effect, you should consider the following aspects when buying:

  • First of all, you should make sure that the product comes from a supplier who regularly carries out product checks. A study of 67 German CBD products has shown that most of the products contained impurities and thus partly also contained THC residues.
  • In addition, you should make sure that the hemp tea of ​​your choice is an organic product. So you make sure that the tea is not made with synthetic chemicals Pesticides is burdened.
  • CBD products in particular are increasingly being produced in Germany and Central Europe. Make sure that your hemp tea is a regional product to avoid unnecessary transport.
  • You can get hemp tea preparations in the pharmacy, in special CBD shops or online.

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • Domestic medicinal plants: the strongest plants and their effects
  • Calming tea: These varieties help with stress and inner tension
  • St. John’s wort and its effects – you should know that


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