Smoking, steaming and steaming again

Vaping symbol image

The difference between an e-cigarette and “vaping” is not clear to many people. (Image: GettyImages, patrisyu)

Vaping is a substitute for smoking, so probably most people will answer when asked the difference. However, there are still significant differences, especially when it comes to vaping. There are currents here that want to break away from e-cigarettes, which are now a billion-dollar business, but are still considered unhealthy. What’s behind the healthier alternatives?

Definitions must be

Smoke contains particles from combustion processes. Those who smoke inhale these particles and even inhale deeply. It is undisputed that the smoke from a cigarette containing tobacco is harmful and carcinogenic. Cigarette smoke gets its bad properties from ingredients such as tar, condensate and the addictive nicotine.

Steam is generally understood to be wet steam, i.e. an aerosol consisting of air, other gaseous substances and tiny liquid droplets. Those who inhale steam are at least not exposed to the products of combustion, but only substances that have been brought into an inhalable state by gentle heating, i.e. have been vaporized. However, this does not take away from the fact that in addition to various aromatic substances, nicotine can also be added to an e-cigarette and thus remains as a harmful substance.

E-cigarettes and vaporizers: a contrast

Cannabinoid substances are on the rise with a view to legalizing them. The time has come in Canada and the new traffic light coalition in Germany is also planning steps in this direction. In the field of pain therapy, the substance has long been established in this country. Cannabis can be smoked, but it can also be consumed through a vaporizer. This also applies to other medicinal herbs such as hop cones, lemon balm, peppermint, thyme or sage. Essential oils and waxes can also be vaporized. E-cigarettes, on the other hand, compensate for a lack of tobacco consumption due to the consumption of liquids that still contain nicotine. The devices used for both activities can, but need not, differ in terms of technology. Nevertheless, the “vapers” differentiate themselves from the “e-smokers” because they are a more health-conscious alternative.

The technology of vaporizers and e-cigarettes

Current and new vaporizer models, also with the corresponding accessories and spare parts, have a steam chamber made of ceramic, quartz or aluminum in which herbs, resins or prepared extracts are heated. As a result, active substances such as cannabinoids and terpenes are vaporized directly and can be inhaled. In the case of e-cigarettes, the vapor is processed using a carrier liquid, the so-called liquid. This is usually conveyed via capillary action and a flow channel into an evaporator head, where it is atomized by means of heating coils. The main component of the liquid is usually propylene glycol, to which glycerine is added. Optionally, water, flavorings and nicotine can also be added. Even if both “vaping” and “e-smoking” are based on an evaporation technique, the devices required are only useful for one or the other, simply because of the carrier liquid, which makes the difference between the two techniques.

How “healthy” is the e-cigarette?

First of all, it must be stated that the e-cigarette is not healthy, but only less harmful to health than “normal” smoking. As is always the case with relatively new topics, the study situation is not yet completely uniform. But at least the British government approved the title in 2015 based on a report by Public Health England “E-cigarettes: an evidence update (PDF)” get carried away with a recommendation. This states that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful to health than real cigarettes. The health risks lie in the continued use of nicotine and the fact that substances that irritate the respiratory tract, such as the fragrance linalool, are used. The carcinogenicity and allergenic effects of some ingredients are likely and there are indications of damage to the blood vessels. However, there are no real long-term studies. The advantage of e-cigarettes is at least that smokers are more likely to give up smoking compared to nicotine substitutes, such as a 2011 study indicates.

“Vape” as a healthier alternative

In contrast to the e-cigarette, where the motivation to quit smoking is in the foreground, when using a vaporizer at least the motivation for its use is dominated by health aspects. Inhaling essential oils and herbal ingredients, which have a calming and stress-reducing effect (e.g. lemon balm, hops or lavender) or antidepressant and mood-enhancing (St. John’s wort), is more beneficial to health in this case and not – in comparison to smoking – merely “less harmful”. Germicidal and expectorant active ingredients such as eucalyptus can also be “vaped” and are reminiscent of the “normal” inhalation of colds. Substances that simply increase well-being due to their smell (lemongrass, thyme or peppermint) are also popular in the “vaper” community.

One more word about cannabis

Even if cannabis is used as an intoxicant, ingredients such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) have recently been used in pharmacology and Pain therapy as effective substances proven. Analogous to the e-cigarette, it can at least be stated here that the combustion processes that take place when smoking a joint do not come into play here, and the substances are thus absorbed more gently. The “vaping” of medically effective cannabis is limited to ingredients that have little or no psychiatric and central nervous side effects.

“Vapen” stabs the e-cigarette

Even if there are definitely relationships, the use of a vaporizer is certainly the healthier or more harmless variant due to the motivation and the substances used. However, if you want to try “vaping” yourself, you should be clear in advance about which fragrances or active ingredients you want to inhale, as not every vaporizer can handle the consistency of all conceivable substances. A prior comparison is necessary.

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