Star death of a special kind

Star death of a special kind

Supernova 2018zd (bright star above) in the outskirts of the galaxy NGC 2146: Located 31 million light-years away in the constellation Giraffe, this stellar explosion belongs to the rare type of electron-capturing supernovae. Photomontage is from Las Cumbres Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope.
© NASA, STScI, J Depasquale, Las Cumbres Observatory

A star that exploded in 2018 can be assigned to an exotic supernova type for the first time. This is how the Crab Nebula may have formed.


As early as 1980, the Japanese astrophysicist Ken'ichi Nomoto proclaimed an unusual type of star death. In addition to the well-known explosion types of supernovae with massive stars and with

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