Sync multiple Google Drive accounts on Windows

Sync multiple Google Drive accounts on Windows

Google Drive is a great cloud storage service for many people who would rather not pay for such a service. However, those same people sometimes find out that 15 GB of space is not enough. You can solve this by creating multiple Google accounts, but how do you synchronize everything on your Windows computer?

You can also choose to take out a paid subscription to Google Drive. Then you get access to more storage space and you may have less work to do. Freeing up Drive storage space is also an option. But it doesn’t take that much time and energy to use multiple Drive accounts on one Windows PC.

Moreover, this can also be useful for the people with personal Google accounts, who all use Drive on the same computer. Whatever your reason, this is how you proceed.

Google Drive on Windows

If you want to use multiple Google Drive accounts on Windows, you need the official Drive app for Windows. You can download it via the special download page, by clicking the blue button with the text Download Drive for desktop.

After downloading, install the application by following the steps in the screen. That can hardly go wrong. During installation, the program asks to sign in with your Google account. For example, do this with your main account or the account that you use often.

After installing, Google Drive always runs in the background. The environment of your Drive account can be found in the Explorer, under This computer† There you will see an overview of hard drives, network drives and linked drives, but now also a separate drive for Google Drive. If you want multiple accounts, you have to add them one by one via the taskbar.

  • First click on the arrow icon on the taskbar to see the hidden icons.
  • Select the Google Drive icon with your left mouse button.
  • Tap on your profile picture (located at the top left) and select the option to add an account.
  • Now Google Drive asks if you want to log in to that other account.
  • Enter your login details for that account.
  • After logging in, a separate drive will again appear in the Explorer screen, next to the other Drive drive.

Automatic sync

From now on, all files will be synchronized automatically for both accounts. You can upload files by dragging or copying them to the appropriate drive. You can also easily remove them by removing them from the disk.

Remember you can add up to four accounts to one PC. So in total you can get up to 60 GB of free disk space (or use Google Drive with a total of four people on one computer).


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