BeeDrive is a great backup solution if you don’t entrust your data to the cloud or have no more space there.

Aad Munsterman and Rob Coenraads

BeeDrive 2

The black rounded BeeDrive is a very small (65 x 65 x 15 mm) and very light (43 grams) device with 1 or 2TB USB SSD storage. The interface is a fast 10Gbps USB-C connection; cable and USB-A adapter are included. With many backup drives you have to arrange the backup software yourself, but the Beedrive includes innovative software for Windows 10/11 and apps for iOS and Android.

The Windows features are Computer Backup, File synchronization and Mobile transfer. The function Computer Backup is to backup the Windows user files, up to 5 versions, of which up to 10 folders can be selected. File synchronization keeps the backup continuously up to date and with Mobile transfer photos from up to 5 iOS and Android smartphones and tablets can be saved to the BeeDrive via Windows.

With the BeeDropfunction allows you to quickly transfer files from iOS or Android to Windows, a BeeDrive version for macOS will follow later. BeeDrive is a great backup solution if you don’t trust your data to the cloud or have no more space there and comes with a 3-year warranty.

PCA stars 4 5 334
: Synology BeeDrive 1TB

4 and half stars

Recommended retail price:
€152.40 (1TB), €254.04 (2TB)

* fast backup
* innovative backup software

* light load in the background