Tech company Oppo sets up automotive branch


The Chinese tech company Oppo is setting up an automotive branch. This is evident from documents that carnewchina dived up. It is the umpteenth tech company that hooks up in the car industry.

Major Chinese tech companies have recently shown a lot of interest in the auto industry. After all, more than ever before, there is a lot of interface between the car and tech industry. It was recently announced that Xiaomi and Huawei are going to focus on electric cars, now Oppo is also cooking up something similar. The company that we know in the Netherlands from smartphones that are sold as Oppo and OnePlus, recruits staff for automotive purposes. This is evident from vacancies that carnewchina has in hand.

Among other things, the company is looking for developers for ‘vehicle systems’. More interestingly, Oppo is also looking for sales managers with experience in the automotive industry. This could point to concrete products for the automotive industry and possibly even complete cars. Oppo itself does not publicize this yet, but something is going on. However, Oppo CEO Tony Chen indicated earlier this year that the company is considering entering the car industry, although he did not know at the time whether Oppo really wants to sell cars, like Xiaomi, or wants to do more in the background. participate. In the latter case, you can think of, for example, supplying systems and software for autonomous driving, or infotainment systems. Incidentally, Oppo also has vacancies that are focused on the development of autonomous vehicles, so by definition something seems to be happening in that area.

Pictured: Wey XEV Concept.

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