Tesla Model S driver does not want to pay 20,000 euros for a new battery. Blow up your own car!

The warranty on older Tesla Model S models has now expired. And then replacing the battery becomes an extremely expensive joke. A Finnish man was presented with a quote of 20,000 euros for the job. So he decided to blow up his Model S with dynamite.

Tesla Model S driver does not want to pay 20,000 euros for a new battery.  Blow up your own car!

Tuomas Katainen from Finland bought a used Tesla Model S from 2013. The first 1500 kilometers with his new acquisition went without any problems, but then the trouble started. “Suddenly the error codes were flying around my ears,” he tells Gizmodo. A Tesla specialist kept the car in the workshop for a month, but was unable to repair it. The only option was a new battery, Katainen heard. Something that would cost him 20,000 euros and for which he had to ask Tesla’s permission.

A 30-pound bomb belt around the Tesla Model S

In Finland, a second-hand Model S costs between 30,000 and 40,000 euros. A bill of 20,000 euros for a new battery is therefore a significant loss. And so did Katainen. He picked up his Model S from the dealer and told a stunned mechanic that he was going to detonate the car. Katainen gave his Tesla to the guys from the Youtube channel Pommijätkät (which means something like ‘bomb guests’), who tied 30 kilos of dynamite to the body in an old quarry. You can see the result in the attached video. “Nobody has ever had so much fun with a Tesla,” said Katainen.

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