Elon Musk has indicated that Tesla will also be on the market in India next year. The CEO did this on Twitter on Friday in response to a question from the Tesla Club India.
“Definitely next year,” Musk tweeted in response to when Tesla will enter the Indian car market. It is not the first time that the Tesla CEO has made such commitments. Last year he sent a similar message. In addition, Musk has repeatedly stated that the import duties in India will probably make the cars unsaleable.
Despite a population of over 1.35 billion, the Indian car market is relatively small. Just under 3.4 million vehicles were sold in 2019. In India, people travel mainly on two-wheelers, of which more than 21 million were registered in 2019. In addition, the country is still on the rise in terms of electric driving. Money is being invested in expanding the charging infrastructure, but there is still a long way to go to make it available to a wide audience. EVs are also relatively expensive and the average Indian does not have much to spend. A challenging market for Tesla, but one in which the brand apparently already sees enough potential to take this step.