With the arrival of voice search such as Siri and Google Assistant, search behavior has changed. For example, people use speech -controlled searches, but the search engine itself is still used a lot. Incidentally, it is important to take both channels into account and to optimize them.
How does search engine optimization work?
Search engine optimization is a way to get higher in Google with your website. A high ranking in Google ensures visibility and brand awareness. There are a number of ways to apply search engine optimization. Consider, for example, the use of keywords on a website, filling the website with content, using backlinks and technically setting the website. This is also called on-page SEO, but in addition, off-page SEO is also important. Link building plays a major role in this, to build authority and to increase organic traffic.
How does Voice Search work?
Nowadays, many people use Voice Search, or searches that you speak. Consider, for example, Siri from Apple, Alexa or Google Assistant. It is useful if you don’t want to type and are quickly looking for an answer. After the question via Voice Search there will be an answer that often comes from a featured snippet. Websites that give relevant answers and have well -structured content can be picked up faster by Voice Assistants.

Search engines vs. Voice Search
In a search engine such as Google you can type a keyword, after which several results appear in the SERP. You mainly use short keywords or short sentences. In the search engine it is important for a high position to focus on backlinks and domainutority.
At Voice Search is not typed, but a search is recorded. So you talk to your phone, where your phone can give back an answer. At Voice Search you can also record longer sentences, such as a natural question that you can also ask a person in real life. Your phone often gives an answer that comes from a featured snippet. So there is mainly focus on featured snippets, but also on structured data. Fast loading time is also very important.
Search engines and voice search optimize
It is important to optimize both: but how do you ensure that you optimize both search engines and voice search?
For search engines it is important that qualitative backlinks from authoritarian websites refer to your own website. For this you can do it Popi Linkbuilding Platform use, where you can easily apply link building. Here you will find countless backlinks that you can use for your website. In addition, it is also important to optimize content for keywords with high search volumes, and it is good to improve the loading speed. Also pay attention to mobile user -friendliness.
For voice search, it is important to write content based on questions and natural sentences. For example, you can process FAQ schedules on your website where you display frequently asked questions and answers. Also focus on local search and make sure you use structured data.