The House of Representatives wants an investigation into the risks of Chinese EVs for national security

Motion passed

BYD Dolphin vs.  MG4

The rise of the Chinese electric car in Europe is not only a hot topic for the car industry, but also for European politics. In fact, Dutch politicians are also concerned about it, especially in terms of national security.

The House of Representatives has adopted a motion submitted by CDA MP Derk Boswijk, together with Jan Paternotte (D66) and Thom van Campen (VVD), requesting the government to scrutinize Chinese electric cars. Not in a general sense. Boswijk, Paternotte and Van Campen argue that the government must make an analysis in the short term of “[…] the risks of Chinese electric cars to national security.”

The adopted motion states that electric cars “[…] are among the most advanced consumer electronics, with a constant flow of data in the areas of road safety and entertainment.” The petitioners are concerned that the number of Chinese electric cars in Europe is increasing, which, according to Boswijk, ensures that “[…] There are many questions about cyber security aspects surrounding Chinese electric cars.” The motion states that China has now imposed restrictions on where Teslas may drive and park in the country. This in the name of national security. In line with this, the Netherlands should also protect national security. should be guaranteed, seems to be the reasoning.

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