These home remedies help with nausea and vomiting

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For nausea and vomiting, home remedies can provide relief – so you don’t have to take medication straight away. We’ll show you three home remedies for it.

Sometimes stress hits your stomach, sometimes you’ve got a glass of wine too much or you feel sick during a long drive. If the symptoms are tolerable and there are no other symptoms, you can try home remedies first.

Ginger for vomiting and travel sickness

With ginger tea you can fight a feeling of queasiness in the stomach.
With ginger tea you can fight a feeling of queasiness in the stomach.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / congerdesign)

Ginger can by its active ingredient Gingerol and the essential oils also prevent vomiting. A freshly brewed one ginger tea relieves the feeling of queasiness in the stomach.

  1. Peel a piece of ginger and slice it.
  2. Boil them up with hot water.
  3. Let it steep for about 15 minutes.

The tea also regulates the fluid balance in the body. If you don’t like pure ginger, you can flavor the tea with a little lemon or peppermint.

Note: For nausea during pregnancy, you should only use ginger in very low doses. With more than two grams per day and long-term applications, side effects can otherwise occur, the study situation is also incomplete.

Tip for travel sickness: Simply peel and chew a small piece of ginger!

Soups for loss of fluid

Carrot soup is a proven home remedy for nausea and vomiting.
Carrot soup is a proven home remedy for nausea and vomiting.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Anestiev)

Soups also guarantee adequate hydration in the event of nausea and vomiting. Not too spicy and low-fat vegetable soups, for example carrot soup, are easily digestible and occupy the stomach. The starch and proteins contained in potatoes and carrots can bind an excess of gastric juices and thus take away the uncomfortable feeling in the stomach area. The soup also provides you with electrolytes that help your body even after excessive alcohol consumption.

Lemon as a home remedy for nausea and vomiting

Lemon also has natural ones Active ingredients against nausea, with which you can suppress the nausea and support the digestion.

  • If you feel sick, try chewing on a piece of lemon. This inhibits the nausea. If this is too sour for you, squeeze out the juice of a lemon and mix it with a little water.
  • Also with honey mixed lemon is effective for nausea: mix a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice with a teaspoon of honey and suck it.
  • The smell of lemon can also help with nausea. So it’s best to leave the squeezed bowls on the table or use one volatile oil.

If the symptoms last longer, if you vomit several times a day and also suffer from diarrhea or other symptoms, you should get a medical examination. Especially with children, you should seek medical advice promptly, as they will reach their physical limits much faster than adults due to the loss of fluid.


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