This is how you open Windows programs minimized

This is how you open Windows programs minimized

With Windows 10 it is possible to always open a program in a minimized way. Some programs run fine in the background and you don’t have to see them appear on the screen, so you have to minimize it manually every time after startup.

No, it’s not a big problem. But things like this can get boring over time, so it’s good to know that a solution is available. Moreover, executing the solution is also so beep, so that you actually have no reason not to do this.

Spend a few minutes doing a few actions now, so you don’t have to deal with programs that you have to manually minimize in the future.

Open Windows programs minimized

To ensure that a Windows 10 program always opens minimized, you need to adjust the shortcut to the software. After all, the program must ‘know’ what you want to do with it. Below are the steps you need to take.

  • click with you right mouse button on the shortcut of a program (on your desktop or within the Explorer)
  • Press the bottom option: Properties
  • If all goes well, you are already in the tab Shortcut; if not, click on it
  • Within this tab is the heading To carry outfollowed by a selection menu
  • Click on the drop-down menu, where now Normal window state, and select Minimized
  • Now press To apply and then OK to make the changes

It is also possible to minimize programs from the Start menu. That works in a similar way. However, keep in mind that this will not work with software you downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

  • Open it Start menu and find the program you want to open minimized
  • Select the program with you right mouse button and press More > File location to open
  • Find the program in the list and click it with you right mouse button
  • Select Properties and go to the tab Shortcut
  • Search links in the overview To carry out and press on the left in the menu Normal window
  • Now select the option Minimized
  • Press To apply and on OK

Of course we also take a look at the Taskbar. Because it may be that you have pinned programs to it that you also want to open minimized.

  • Select the program icon that you want to open minimized with your right mouse button
  • Busy with you right mouse button the name of the program (at the bottom of the list of options)
  • Select Properties > Shortcut and then next to To carry out click on Normal window and choose the option Minimized from

Now it doesn’t matter from where you open a program; this program in question always opens minimized.


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