This is how you set a registration tune within Windows 10

This is how you set a registration tune within Windows 10

Microsoft has made it quite difficult to have a sign-in tune played in Windows 10 as well. This is still possible with a few smart interventions.

Start notepad, enter the five lines below and save the file with the extension vbs, not as txt. You may refer to your own wav file in the subfolder C: Windows Media.

Set oVoice = CreateObject (“SAPI.SpVoice”)
set oSpFileStream = CreateObject (“SAPI.SpFileStream”)
oSpFileStream.Open “C: Windows Media Windows Logon.wav”
oVoice.SpeakStream oSpFileStream

Press the Windows key, tap Task scheduler and start the tool of the same name. In the right pane, click Create task. Enter a name and choose at Configure for the Windows 10 option. Open the tab Trigger and click on New. Bee Start this task select your When signing up. Confirm with OK.

Open the tab Actions and click on New. Bee Program / script enter your wscript.exe and edit it Parameters add enter the exact path to your vbs file (for example C: Users Me Desktop login sound.vbs). Confirm with OK. On the tab Requirements remove the check mark next to Start the task only if […]. Finish with OK.

Your task should now be added to the library. Select it and click To carry out for a quick test. If that sounds good, restart Windows and register again: from now on with sound!


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