This is what you want to know about Google Smart Lock

Google Smart Lock is in fact three different products. That is confusing, mainly because it is also three things that have little to do with each other. You will encounter Smart Lock in three moments: you can unlock your Android smartphone on specific ones, you can synchronize your passwords between Chrome and Android and you can use your Android to unlock your Chromebook.

We will discuss the three different options with you in this article and we will start with Google Smart Lock for Android.

Smart Lock for Android

With Smart Lock for Android you can keep your device unlocked at specific moments. For example when you carry your device with you, when Google knows that you are in specific places (such as at home or at work), when you have paired a familiar (bluetooth) device, when the device recognizes your face or when you recognize your voice is via Voice Match.

The five methods have their advantages, but also their disadvantages. Because how does your smartphone know if it is still with you? Your Android cannot check whether you have lent it to someone in the meantime. The option for trusted places already works better, but requires high accuracy to be able to do its job properly.

If you pair a Bluetooth speaker or wearable, you can also keep your phone unlocked. This gives you faster access to specific functions that are not present on the locked screen, as long as your phone is near that device. If you leave your phone somewhere or lose it, the device will be locked. This seems to be a “best of both worlds” scenario: convenience when you need it, certainty when it comes down to it.

Smart Lock for passwords

The more services and accounts you use, the more profiles and passwords you have. You can save it to a password manager, but you can also use Smart Lock for passwords. This function synchronizes saved passwords between Chrome and Android and you can log in automatically when a site or app is recognized. Sometimes you still have to confirm the login details. But the Netflix app shows that you can log in without any hassle after starting the app. At the bottom is the message that you are logging in via Smart Lock; you don’t have to do anything for this.

Smart Lock for Chromebooks

Smart Lock for Chromebooks is the easiest function to explain. You can use the service to unlock your Chromebook. You do that via your Android smartphone. It works fine in itself, but sometimes it is faster to use your password or pin code. Your Chromebook and Android need Bluetooth to connect with each other. And if you often have your Bluetooth switched off, that can become quite a hassle over time.


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