This way you can anti-reflect your selfies on your iPhone

If you take a selfie with an iPhone, you will see a mirrored image on your screen. This sometimes creates a somewhat strange picture. If you don’t want this, you can, as it were, anti-glare your selfie camera. In this article we explain how that works.

When you finally take the photo, the result is not mirrored. That is of course a good thing, because text on, for example, your shirt or sweater would otherwise appear in mirror image. However, it can sometimes be very annoying that the end result is different (mirrored) than what you initially think of iPhonescreen. Fortunately, you can do something about this.

Various options

So the good news is that you can easily fix this, the bad news is you can’t do that without downloading another app first. There are tons of apps that can do this for you, and fortunately most of them are free. You can download two types of apps: apps that take a photo with the selfie camera and save it exactly as you see it on the display (such as Perfect Selfie) or apps that allow you to mirror photos you’ve already taken ( like Photoshop Express). We go for the latter option, especially because we have the camera app from Apple.


Flip photo with Photoshop Express

To flip a photo in Photoshop Express, first give the app access to your photos and then select the photo you want to flip. Then press the icon at the bottom Cutting out (a square with lines that intersect) and then press the second icon from the left (two arrows opposite each other). This will mirror the photo directly. Then press Share top right (icon with the square and an arrow pointing up) to save the photo. Your photo is now exactly as you saw it on your screen.

Mirror photos

Photos are therefore not mirrored if you have shot them, but in some cases you do want that. For example, a photo can have a better effect if you turn it over. On your iPhone, after taking the photo, go to photosand tap edit and use the mirror icon, which can be found at the top right of the screen. This will flip your images from right to left.


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