During the tick time, you should be particularly careful in some places and take precautions to avoid a stitch. Here you can find out what you have to consider when and where.
A tick bite usually doesn’t hurt – on the contrary, often it remains unnoticed. However, the tiny animals can transmit numerous infectious diseases. The most common diseases in Germany that transmit ticks are borreliosis and the so-called early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE). Other diseases, such as anaplasmosis or babesiosis, are more likely to be transmitted in other countries.
During the tick time, you should therefore exercise caution in certain areas to minimize the risk of infection.
When is ticking time?
In summer, tick bites in Germany are particularly common. After all, people also go into nature more often and are a popular destination of the small arachnids while walking in the forest and through high grass.
But ticks are not only active in the hot season: As soon as the temperatures on several consecutive days are at least seven degrees, ticks can also be visited.
In winter or at long -term temperatures below eight degrees Celsius, ticks fall into a kind of winter rigor. But in mild temperatures over several days, you can awaken from it, so tick bites are also possible in winter.
So when exactly the tick time is, something can vary from year to year. In general, however, you should expect the small animals from February to October.
Cacking season: You should consider that

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Jerzygorecki)
In the tick time, you can protect yourself from a stab and thus a possible infection with some simple precautions:
- Especially if you have a lot in the forest, in high grass and in untouched nature, you should wear long clothes. In summer you can fall back on the most thin and bright textiles.
- Wear solid and closed shoes.
- Use special sprays to hold the ticks (available, for example, in the avocadostore). Note, however, that a spray is not a guarantee against tick bites, but only reduces the risk. With your dog you can also try coconut oil for ticks.
- Find yourself during the tick season after every stay in nature or please another person to search on your back. So you can recognize and remove a tick as quickly as possible – ideally before it has stabbed. According to the RKI, particularly popular stabs for ticks include the hairline, ears, neck, armpits, belly button or the genital area.
Remove ticks: You should pay attention to that
- To remove the tick correctly, you should completely pull it out of the skin. It is best to use a special tick tweezer or card. Grip the tick as close to the skin as possible on the mouth tools and pull it out evenly slowly and straight out. Avoid packing the tick on the body. Then there is a risk that they will burst and spread their liquids in the wound. Don’t turn it.
Disinfit the wound afterwards and keep an eye on the puncture site for a few more days to weeks. Forms a reddening of the skin around the spot, you should immediately consult a medical advice. According to the RKI, this may be an indication that you have infected yourself with Lyme disease. At TBE, fever, fatigue, headache and other flu -like symptoms occur one to two weeks after the tick bite. If you find these symptoms, you should also see a medical practice immediately or communicate medical on -call service.
Read more on utopia.de:
- Protection against ticks: How to avoid stings
- Ticking agents for dogs: help these natural means
- Teck bite symptoms: What to do when the stab itches and is red
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