How can I make good use of my time at home? There are some ideas of what you can do in your own home in the coming weeks.
Time for me: That is why it is currently worth using this time in particular
At the moment, most of us are spending a lot of time at home. Instead of despairing of it, you can see the free time you have gained as a great and unique opportunity. Because the corona crisis is like one Reset button. In this unusual time, you have the opportunity to concentrate on yourself. This will allow you to get active, break old habits and try new things. We have some useful ideas on how you can make the time for me meaningful.
Learn something new

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / FirmBee)
It doesn’t matter whether you are 18 or 72 years old – it is well known that it is never too late to learn. This will expand your skills and possibly find a new hobby. Think about what you’ve always wanted to learn.
- Learn a new language: With distance learning courses or apps, you can learn a new language at your own pace and in small daily portions. In addition to a course, it is sometimes useful to listen to internet radio or watch a film in the foreign language so that your ear gets used to the sound of the language.
- Do further training: On the Internet you will find many offers for distance learning or further training. We have some for you free online training put together with tips on where you can learn different programming languages or something about sustainability.
- Learn an instrument: Music helps many people to forget everyday life. Maybe you still have an old instrument somewhere waiting to be played. Then now is the perfect time to start. Free tutorials on YouTube and paid online courses for guitar or piano such as on help you with that.
- Create something creative yourself: If you like to work with your hands, you can use the time you have to create something yourself. There are many options: drawing, watercolor painting, origami folding, hand lettering, clay molding, sew, Knitting or crocheting are just a few ideas on how to live your creativity. You can find tutorials or instructions on all topics on the Internet.
Time for me: rediscover nature

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / PeterDargatz)
You can invest the free time in a beautiful garden or a cozy balcony.
- Plant or sow some flowers, for example Snowball plants.
- Put on a home cultivation with a vegetable patch, fruit or even Herbs.
Get rid of old habits

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / StockSnap)
Perhaps before the corona crisis you were always annoyed that you did not keep your good intentions. Now is the perfect time, one new rhythm to find. For me, time also means reflecting on yourself.
- Depending on how flexible you are during the day and whether you have children, you can now choose yours ideal daily rhythm Find. Our biological clock ticks very differently. Due to the social system, which is geared towards early risers in many areas, it is difficult for some of us in everyday life, our own Biorhythm to follow. Everyone has one a day Prime time. That is when you are the most receptive and resilient. Find out when your prime time is and use it primarily for challenges in work and study. The book “Energy Competence” by Verena Steiner gives a good overview and helpful tips on this topic. For example, you canAmazon to buy.
- You can also use the time by choosing one Daily schedule or weekly schedule created. You should always have enough time to Make break plan on. Reward yourself with something nice for tasks that are difficult or that you are reluctant to do.
- Think about which ones sport you would like to try it out. It is best suited for the living room: This can be yoga, Pilates or Qi Gong. Here, too, there are numerous tutorials on YouTube.
- Come to rest inside. Meditation, Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Relaxation exercises help you to be balanced internally.
Use time to clear out

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Mylene2401)
Perhaps now is a good time for you to visible and invisible household minimized. This creates space for the essential things in life. While you are mucking out, you also deal with what has accompanied you for part of your life and what you may no longer need.
- Muck out your closet, bookshelf, or basement. The KonMari method by the Japanese bestselling author Marie Kondo helps you to organize your four walls efficiently and with love for your objects. For everything you no longer need, ask yourself if someone else can enjoy it. Offer or sell these items on various platforms on the Internet. We also have an idea like you sell used books can.
- You can also minimize your invisible household. This includes that you have your smartphone and your Clean up your PC. Delete files you no longer need and create a clear structure in your folders. Also delete photos from your smartphone that you are unlikely to see. Enhance certain photos by creating a photo album or framing and hanging them up.
let it be well with you

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / nosheep)
While you spend a lot of time at home, you shouldn’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Be your best friend in everything and don’t overwhelm yourself. Find “time for me” moments when you can do yourself something good.
- Cook yourself a special dinner: This can include a delicious starter, a main course and a dessert. Enjoy the food and put your smartphone and laptop away, listen to music or radio or enjoy the evening silence.
- Treat yourself to a wellness program at home: You can take the time to thoroughly clean and cut your fingernails and toenails, for example, yours Cornea to remove on your feet, or your own Face mask to manufacture.
- Change your look: How about, to cut the hair yourself or the Dye hair naturally?
- Make your own home cinema: Get your favorite drink ready, slip on your pajamas and watch your favorite films or series.
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